onsdag, desember 21, 2005

Christmas break in Østfold

Well, I am now in the middle of enjoying the relaxing christmas break. I eat incredibally good food, and don't have to do anything. Just relax. It is a blessing from God I tell you. I was in Oslo last night with some friends of my friend and that was quite nice as well. The friend is a journalist for TV Norge (TV Norway). On Thursday he arrived back from doing a story in Malawi. He is a Christian who wants to help give more accurate news. Norway is famous for having extremely bias and self-centered news. It is good to know Christians who are trying to make a difference. We need to be thinking in that way and not just sitting and pointing fingers. We need to do something.

On a more personal note, I am doing well and will be soon on my way to the States for three weeks. Two of which will be work, and the last one week for Travis' wedding!! Travis Cibolski is a friend of mine for those of you who don't know him... That will be a very nice time. Anyway, I am going to get back to relaxing here. Hope you are all doing the same! Merry Christmas!!

fredag, desember 16, 2005

Christmas time again!!

That's correct! It's Christmas time again!! I love this time of year! Especially in Norway, because it is often white. But anyway, last night the base had a Christmas party that went quite well, and was a good time for people to fellowship with each other in a more relaxed setting. Plus great food! =) Aside from that, I will be starting my Christmas break here on Sunday and will be with a friend of mine for the holi-days. He was a staff on my DTS, but is now a missionary in Ethiopia. He is doing an incredible job with a certain people group down there, and on top of that he is alone! He had a team of 5 with him last year, but not he is the only one... a real man of God. I am really looking forward to relaxing with him, and spending time away from the base for a while.. you just have to get away every now and then.... So yeah, you can keep me in your prayers and be blessed! merry Christmas!

mandag, november 21, 2005

The Tour!

Well, early tomorrow morning I will be heading to Bergen on the west coast. There we will perform a few different shows that have an evangelistic approach. We have dances and special songs and preaching. Our goal is to present the gospel in a way that is received by the youth of today. I am in charge of the sound and I very likely will also perform the song, Salvation is Here by Hillsong United... That will be a bit of a stretch for me... Please pray for me to be able to relax and do it for God. I want to have the right focus while I am singing and mixing. This tour is to reach lost souls, and I want to remember that constantly. God is the focus. Please also pray that it is successful. Pray that we reach people. Last year it was really successful, and we hope for it to be even better this year. We will be in the Bergen area for one week performing at various locations. This is only one of six weeks that we will be sending this tour around northern Europe. We will also be in Finland and Sweden on top of all our performances in Norway. Lots of opportunities to preach the gospel. Please be a part in whatever way you can, whether it be in prayer or finances. I will appreciate it and so will the rest of the team. Join me in my ministry here in Norway!

mandag, november 07, 2005

Fall Break!

We are now finishing out or last days of our fall break. I have been staying with my student, Eirik, for the weekend with his family. It has been an incredibally nice time. They have been very welcoming and relaxing to be around. Eirik and I will head back to Skien tomorrow afternoon so we can get ready for the team week that we have this week. I will be staying in Skien with the team there. Right now, at this very moment, I am sitting upstairs on the couch with my laptop and just existing... it is nice.. if I were at the base now, i would not be relaxing... It is a blessing to be able to go to people's homes and to just get away. I think I should take advantage of it more often. I really don't get away enough, and I really should. It is amazing just how much more relaxing it is to be in an actual home. Anyway, I am doing quite well. I am loving life, and God is faithful... Even if I tend to forget that sometimes... Until next time!
-Jordan K. Ernst

tirsdag, oktober 25, 2005

First snow of winter!

yes, it is snowing today... I have a feeling it will be a cold winter....

mandag, oktober 24, 2005

The first team week!!

Well, the teams are made and the destinations are set. There will be one team going to a place called Nærbø in the west of Norway, and another team that will be going only an hour away to a place called Bø. And then, of course, the team that stays here in Skien. I, however, will not be joining the DTS this week. I am just working with my other duty of being handyman for the entire week. It is a good thing, because I have so many things to do, and such little time to do it in otherwise. This is a good opportunity to catch up a bit. I have already had a successful first day of putting up nice and new shelving in the walk-in cooler. A day well spent is a day to be proud of. It is also nice because I don't have to wake up quite so early.... =)

Aside from that, I am doing much better. God has blessed quite a bit over these last days. He truly has not forgotten me here in Norway... =) Until next time, be blessed!

onsdag, oktober 19, 2005

Another week already!

This previous week's teaching was on creative ministry. During this week, the students learned ways of doing dramas and dances and other techniques that they can use. It went surprisingly well. I didn't expect the students to like it as much as they did, but they seemed to get into it. That was cool. Now, the present teaching is on Team life and also Relationships. The first three days are on Team Life and the last two are on Relationships. Both are very interesting topics. It should prove to be a good week for everyone I think.

As far as I am personally, I am doing.... I have had some stressful days this week, and that makes things hard. I have also had some internal things that have been occupying my time that aren't so fun. I know God is good, and I know He is in control, but sometimes things just seem to be so down.... Next week is the first team week where the students split up into 3 teams, two of them being out for a week, and the other being in Skien. They will work with schools and churches and other various things for one week in a hands on setting. The team weeks are awesome. They add so much to a DTS. They really do. I will not be joining this week, however, because we have more than enough staff for that, so I will be focusing on my other duties. I am the handyman here on the base, and I have plenty of things to work on...

Anyway, I hope all is going well with you guys! Until next time!
-Jordan K. Ernst

lørdag, oktober 08, 2005

Two weeks down; 34 to go... =)

Well, we have now finished the first two weeks of DTS! Without disappointment, everyone has gotten through the beginning and are ready to tackle the next step. This week in front of us is a week of creative teaching. Creative teaching isn't just drama and dance and things like that, but it is actually just more ways of presenting the gospel. It is just a way of making you think outside the box. How can I communicate what I want to say in a better way? That is basically what it is. This week tends not to be the favortie among most, but it is a good week just the same.

On a more personal note, I am doing well. I have my up and down moments, but I guess they come with the territory. On days that I am really down I tend to feel that it is more of an attack of the enemy, rather then just being down for no apparent reason. I have to remind myself that Satan doesn't like what I do here, so it is in fact a good sign when I am under attack! =) So yeah, please keep praying for me, and I will keep you updated as best I can! Until next time!
-Jordan K. Ernst

onsdag, september 21, 2005

The DTS is now officially started!

The students have come. We have welcomed them in to the base. We leave in the morning for an overnight cabin trip. We get to know each other a bit better. DTS life is good. I am really really excited about these guys. They really seem awesome. I really mean it. They are all cool people. Really onfire group. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that it is official now. Talk to you later!
-Ernst, Jordan Kenneth

søndag, september 18, 2005


It is Sunday afternoon, and I haven´t really done anything all day.... I am going to church in an hour.... That will be the most excitement I will probably have all day.. We have a student coming today, so that will be cool..... sorry, I am trying to think of things that I can talk about that are interesting to write about often, but I seem to be a very boring person... or I just suck at remembering the things that are interesting to you guys reading this... I am going to be mentoring 3 guys this year, so tomorrow I need to turn in my choices for the guys I want. I am praying that God gives me some guys that I can really work with. I think I know who I want, but I will have to wait and see who I get... I trust that God will give me the guys he wants me to have.... =) Always fun with new challenges! =/ =) So, anyway.... I will get the pictures updated as soon as I finish making the student welcome folder and when I have some time this week... I know I keep promising them, but I will get them up very soon! Thanks for holding in there! Until then! Peace out!
-Ernst, Jordan Kenneth

lørdag, september 17, 2005


Well, it is another Saturday afternoon, and I am just relaxing a bit to gain some more energy for the coming week. The students are now starting to trickle in one by one... so far it is only one, but there is another one coming tomorrow. By Thursday they will all be here. We are still waiting on the student from India... we don´t know if he even has a plane ticket yet, but we will see I guess... With him it will be 27 students.. if he doesn´t show up, then it is obviously 26... =) still a good number! We are practically ready for the arrival of this DTS. Things are coming together very well practically, and the staff are doing very well emotionally and mentally. I am also very ready for this DTS. It'll be a good one.

It is nice to hear from you all every now and then! Please feel free to e-mail me! jordan.ernst@gmail.com

If you write me, I will write you back... As soon as I can.... I am usually really good at e-mailing...

Also, keep checking the other places on this blog. The pictures, I'm sorry, will be up soon... I haven't had too much time to do that yet... Also, the Prayer Request page is also updated every now and again... I will really try to use it more this year, so please check that one as well. That is a very important part of this page. thanks for reading! Talk to you later!
-Ernst, Jordan Kenneth

lørdag, september 10, 2005

Well, I am back from Italia!!

Italy was very very cool. Such an awesome country! I got to see Bergamo and Milano while I was there. I lived in Bergamo, but I took a day trip to Milano, which was very worth it. Milano is an incredible city. I only got to see ONE city block! It was amazing... so much to see, and only one day to see it... At any rate, it was worth it.

Now that I am back in Skien, I will be starting on preparing for the students to come in just over a week.... The school will start on the 21st of this month, so the students should start coming just some days prior to that date. I have received my two positions aside from being DTS staff now. I will continue to be the base handyman and will also now be the guy in charge of worship here on the base. I will pick out the worship teams and make sure all the songs are in a good system and so on.... I´m the boss... =) kind of... It could be a bit of work at first, but I will hopefully make a good system that will work for itself after some time... it should be a good job. I am thankful for it. Oh, and by the way, we now have 27 students coming! That ties the record for YWAM Skien! That is a good number. I am really glad we have so many. They all have really positive applications and I am looking forward to working with them.

Soon I will have new pictures up from Italy and from around the base here, but until then keep checking back and God bless!
-Jordan Ernst

onsdag, august 31, 2005

Days of preparation

Well, these past several days have been spent fixing up the base. We have done sooo much now already! It is incredible! I can´t even write down everything we have fixed because it is so much... I now have my own room! Instead of moving out into an apt., I have transformed the old kitchen in to a bedroom! It is awesome! I will try to get a picture up here soon so you can see it. It is a blessing.

I will soon be taking off for Italy! I leave on the 5th and come back on the 8th. I am really looking forward to spending so quality time with my fellow staff. They are a great bunch of people that I am blessed to be working and living with.

As far as I am doing personally, I am in high spirits these days. I am really anticipating this DTS (Discipleship Training School). I know God will do great things. I feel so much more prepared this time. I have learned so much over the past year here, and I know it will pay off. I´ll write again soon when something interesting happens! =)

søndag, august 21, 2005

YWAM Norway Worker's Gathering

Now, for the past days, I have been at a YWAM Norway staff conference at the main base north of Oslo. I will be here until Tuesday and then head back to Skien to begin preparing for the upcoming school. The nice thing about these staff conferences is I get to see friends from all around YWAM Norway... other than that the meetings get kind of boring... =) I was just not built or designed for long meetings... I get too restless. =)

The first days that I have spent in Norway were filled with work on the base cars and getting my visa renewed and so on... The not so fun thing about arriving back to Norway like this is all the things I have to pay for right off the bat... I feel like a bank... Other than all that, I have been greeting people as they arrive back to the base, and reaquainting myself with them. We are all looking forward to the coming year. We have at least 25 students coming, and they look like they will be a great group of people.

The meeting we had last night was powerful. Our speaker, Leif Braathen, had a really good message, and afterwards he had an altercall for those who were feeling like their fire was dwindling. I was one of many that went up, and I had an awesome time with God... I feel I have a renewed flame in my heart now, and I was also convincted of many things that I was able to straighten out. But anyway, I should get going now... I have kitchen duty soon.... =(... not so fun... haha... ok... talk to you all later!

torsdag, august 11, 2005

Arrived safe and sound...

Well, after a long time on a plane, I have arrived. I am here, and it feels good. I just found out when i got here, that all the staff here are going to be going on a little staff trip to a vacation-like spot in Europe on the 6th of September... It will cost around $100 pr. person, but I think it is going to be worth it for all the staff. We will only be gone for a couple days, but I think they will be fruitful. I will write more later when I know more of what is going on... Love you all!
-Jordan K. Ernst

tirsdag, august 02, 2005

Sorry, it's been a little while for these...

Well, I am still alive and well... I am in my last week of my time here in the States. It has been good and replenishing for me. I am really ready and looking forward to getting back to Skien, Norway. It is going to be an awesome year!

Also, go check out my vacation pics! They are from my week on a house boat in Lake Shasta, California with my family and three other families. It is always an awesome time!

Talk to you all again really soon!

mandag, juli 04, 2005

Time is really passing....

It still doesn't feel like a month since I have been in the United States of America, but it has been none the less. It hasn't been the most successful as far as making money is concerned, but I have made a little and it has been nice to be with people here. I am hoping to get some sort of work this week, but I am going to have to trust that God will help me find one... I have been trying with no luck... I think should have at least enough money to buy a plane ticket really soon, but I still have to talk to the travel agent... I think I will get that all covered this week. I'm praying I get it all taken care of soon. So yeah, that is a quick update about me... not really a whole lot new here... I will write more when there is something to tell... Until then!

torsdag, juni 23, 2005

Recent happenings...

well, lately I have been with my family, but have also been able to do a little work with a friend of mine. Today, I have been working with that friend loading up some gear for a festival this weekend. I will be helping him do sound for a festival in Salem this weekend called The World Beat Festival. We are bringing a big setup for the weekend. It isn't necessary to bring as much as we are, but it is more fun with a nice setup... haha... I will be able to make a few bucks this weekend, which will hopefully get me up to enough money to buy a plane ticket back to Norway.. I need to buy that as soon as possible. I am also waiting to hear on a possible job with a concrete company... if I were to get that job, i would be set. But it all depends on whether or not I get it. If I don't get that one, then I might work at Fred Meyer Jewelers again. I would rather work at the concrete place, but I would be thankful for the jewelry job. your prayers for the job that God wants me to have would be much appreciated. Thanks again for all your prayer and support.

mandag, juni 20, 2005

Back in Salem

I cannot possibly describe to you how incredible it was to drive home yesterday. Literally on the border of Oregon and Washington there was also the border of an incredible storm in Oregon. It was seriously a line drawn from nice beautiful weather to absolutely not nice weather. It was almost like a storm you get in the mid-west... brown cloud-covered sky with rain lightning and two really cool rainbows... on top of all that we also had driven by Mt. St. Helens which was definitely showing that it was still active. There was a huge cloud of steam and smoke coming out of it. I mean huge. Yeah, it was a fun trip home. Now, it is a beautiful day with sun and warmth... Thank God for that.

lørdag, juni 18, 2005

I'm in Canada....

Well, I am now on a short trip with my family in Victoria, BC, Canada. Victoria is a really cool city. It is very European in many ways. That is one reason I like it... We are staying the Hotel Grand Pacific. It is a really nice hotel, but everything costs money... Which doesn't make so much sense... You pay more for the room in a nice hotel, but for what? So you can pay even more for everything you do there? I don't understand it, but I guess I just have to accept that they just want to make money in whatever way possible.... Oh well, it is still nice to be here. We go back to Salem, Oregon on Sunday.. tomorrow...

I am hoping to find a job as soon as I get home.... I have some possibilities, but I am hoping for the best one. That can be prayed for if you wouldn't mind.... Well, anyway, I am going to get going now.
-Jordan K. Ernst

fredag, juni 10, 2005

Well, I have been able to secure at least a couple money making opportunities...

Early tomorrow morning, I will be working with a guy I know setting up a sound system for a local highschool graduation. Should be fun. It will be a good size system, as there will be probably a few thousand people.... In the evening we will tear the system down again.... Not a ton of money made, but it is something. The day after, I will be helping another guy I know rip out some carpet from a house. that should be a little more money.... not much more, but something. At this point, I am taking almost everything I can get. I really need help with my finances. I have to make enough to buy a plane ticket back to Norway, and hopefully a bit to help me through this next year. If I am going to be making my roots a little bit deeper in Norway, I am going to need to figure out a more consistent support method. I have strongly considered getting a part time job, but it would not be very east when I am almost always busy with other responsibilities. If you don't mind praying for possible opportunities, that would be very welcome. Well, I am getting tired and hungry, so I am going to go now... Take care! Hademmmm....
-Jordan K. Ernst

søndag, juni 05, 2005


I just had the coolest prayer answer from God! Last week I prayed, "God, could you give me an Apple G4 Laptop this summer?", and not actually having so much faith that I would.... The night I arrived back to the States(last night), my mom tells me that someone is giving me a new Apple G4 laptop! That is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No way!!!!! Is it possible?!?!?! I couldn't believe it at first! God is so freaking amazing!

So anyway, yeah, that is cool....

I arrived safe and sound back here in the States.... now, I will be working on relaxing a bit, and trying to find some work.... I really need to earn some money this summer, as I am returning to Norway in August to start on the next Discipleship Training school. I am really looking forward to what God is going to do this year. He is already bringing students... we are near 30 now! That is awesome! God is teaching me and using me so much in Norway, and that is so cool. It is so awesome to know that you are in the right place. I can't tell you how good it is. I just have this piece that I am where God wants me and He is using me to expand His Kingdom. Well, I am at Starbucks now and am going to go visit a friend of mine, so I will write more later to ya'll. Take care! Gud velsigne dere!! Hademmmmm
-Jordan K. Ernst

fredag, juni 03, 2005

On my way...

Well, I am now in Gardermoen Lufthavn in Oslo,Norway... I fly out in just some hours, and will be making my way to the States. I don`t look forward to the flights, as I am a bit tired of flying around this globe, but it should go fairly quick.... I just need to endure a little longer.... pray for me that it goes quick and that I don`t get too bored.... =) Be blessed everyone!
-Jordan K. Ernst

onsdag, juni 01, 2005

Today is DTS graduation!

Well, the day has finally arrived. This DTS is over. Tonight is their graduation ceremony, and for most of them, their last night living together. I pray that God will keep His hands around them as they go their separate ways, and also that they would be able to keep walking in His ways.

On Thursday night, I will be off to the airport and I will spend the night there and fly out early the next morning. I will arrive @ PDX around 9:45 pm... Many of you will be able to see me at church on Sunday, and if not then, some other time... Uncle Frank and Auntie Lauren, I will see you on Saturday night! Mom, Kenneth, David, Daniel, Micah, Sarah, and whoever else comes, I will see at the airport! It will be good to see all of you! Until then, be blessed!
-Jordan K. Ernst

mandag, mai 30, 2005

Monday the 30th!

What is special about today? I don't know.... maybe it's MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!???? Woohooo!!! I am 21 years old now!

So yeah, the DTS is very soon finished now. Wednesday is graduation. I leave late thursday night to stay in the airport because my flight to the States is early on Friday morning. It will be nice to see people again, but I am really not looking forward to the traveling... I am a bit sick of traveling to say it like that.... oh well... it will be over before I know it... hopefully...

Also, if any of you know of any good opportunities for me to make some money this summer, please let me know. I have tried to contact my old work, but have had no responses... I don't know if God is trying to do something else, but I still think I should make the attempt to find a job... I just have to trust that He is in control. He knows I need money for next year... and I know He will provide.

Also, I have good news about next year! We have almost 10 more students coming that we had this year! That is great, but we want more! Pray for that. Which reminds me, I know I haven't been very good at updating my prayer request page, but I am going to update it now, so check it out. And please feel free to keep checking it out regularly.

Be blessed everyone!
-Jordan K. Ernst

tirsdag, mai 24, 2005

Go Check out the pictures!

Just click on the link on the right side....

mandag, mai 23, 2005

Back in Norway!!!!!!!

It is soooo good to be back in Norway!!! I had such a good time in Ecuador, but it is also sooo good to be back home again..... Thank God that I am back safe and sound. This last week and a half that I am here, the students will be going on one final trip around Norway to tell about outreach and then they graduate. I will be quite busy probably.... It has been a blessed year for DTS. It had plenty of hard times, but God really used it for good in the end. Thank you, Jesus.

As most of you know, I have financial needs. As a missionary with YWAM, I am 100 percent responsible for raising my own support, and I truly feel that God has called me to Norway for a time. Being in Norway is not cheap. That is the easiest way to put it. Hopefully I will be able to get enough work this summer to make some money for next year, but I only have a month of summer to work before I am back here to Norway. I want to ask that you pray and ask God if you are to support me either regularly or with a one time gift. Either way, it is a blessing to me and those I work with. So far, I am only one of three guy DTS staff for next year, and there will be at least 10 more students than there were this year... That means there aren't so many guy staff.... My point is, I am one more guy.... That is a large percentage.... Anyway, please just ask God and be obedient. I am blessed by you all. Be blessed back!
-Jordan K. Ernst

lørdag, mai 21, 2005

Back from the beach...

It was a very nice time at the coast here in Ecuador! Very relaxing! I really needed it.... Today, it is Saturday, and early tomorrow morning I fly back to Norway!! I am very ready to get back.... It has been a great time here, but it is very good that it is over... I am literally exhausted.... God has used me and the team so much here, and He has taught us all very much. I thank God for this outreach. It was a success.

On a not so happy note, I have some really disappointing news.... On my way to the coast both of my cameras were stolen... yeah... it really sucks... I was so disappointed and frustrated... but I have given it to God... He will provide... Hopefully it can be covered by my travel insurance.... Pray that it does!

See you all soon! Please don´t forget to keep me in your prayers! Financially, I am still needing... Be blessed!
-Jordan K. Ernst

mandag, mai 09, 2005

The last week....

Today is the start of our last real week of outreach! The team will be working some more with kids, and I believe it will be in a similar focus and age group. I won´t be able to join today as I didn´t sleep almost at all last night due to an annoying and painful cough that kept me awake. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired..... Tomorrow, I really want to try to join.. Please pray with me that I can.

Another thing that I ask you to be in prayer about is my finances. I still owe money for my outreach, and I will need to pay it as soon as I get back to Norway. Including my rent and the remainder of the outreach fee, it will be right around 750 USD. I only ask that you ask God if you have a part in this. Thank you so much for all your previous support! May God bless you! I will also be continuing to raise support through the summer for next year as well. Thanks to everyone who has been a support to me both financially and in their prayers. Both are equally important and appreciated. Until next time!
-Jordan K. Ernst

søndag, mai 08, 2005


The team has today off. The last few days they have been working a lot with kids. I believe they have worked with over 500 kids now in the last 3 days.... I am very proud of the team. They are doing very well, and are also in very good spirits considering 2 of their leaders are sick and out of ministry and one of the students is sick... God is using this team and it is awesome. The team is going to go out for dinner tonight, so that will be good for everyone. I have now taken some aspirin so I am feeling a little better. I am not getting as light headed and dizzy as earlier... I still have a bad cough and sore throat, but I think I will be better soon. There are 3 more days of ministry this week, so please pray that the team is healthy and that it all goes well. God bless you all!

fredag, mai 06, 2005

En solskinnsdag......liksom

Javel.... idag er det en solskinnsdag......igjen.... og jeg har ingenting aa gjoere...igjen... jeg hater aa vaere syk og svak.... kjedelig... jeg tror at jeg gjerne vil ha mye tid med Gud... har du noen tanker? Karin? Hvorfor er det saa inni haeljeroa kjedelig aa vaere syk?! Jeg vet at du vet... javel, jeg maa gaa naa.... snakkes!

onsdag, mai 04, 2005

Well, wasn´t expecting this...

I have some not so fun news. Since I have been back from the jungle, I have not been feeling so super. Our contact person had her doctor come do a house visit to check me and the two other leaders out. As it turns out, he said my bloodpressure is higher than it should be and the symptoms I told him about tell him that my body is just totally worn out. He said it appears as if I am rather stressed out, so he told me that I can´t do any work for some days until I get a little better. On top of that, my left eye has started to swell a little bit shut for some reason. I am not having so much fun... I covet your prayers, and I hope all is going well with you. Over these last weeks, I have had a ton of things going through my mind, and it all came crashing down on me yesterday. I had a bit of a breakdown last night. I am grateful for my fellow leaders, because they were there for me. They really helped me last night. They are a blessing.
Since I have not been able to join the ministry since we have been back here, and I won´t be able to for some days, it might be a lack of detailed information on what God is doing through our team. I will do my best to keep you updated. I can really see God working with our team, and it is awesome. He is really working with me too. He is so good. Well, this could go on and on, but it would get too long to read then. Be blessed!
-Jordan K. Ernst

søndag, mai 01, 2005


Well, today is off. It is good to relax. I really need it as I am not feeling so good. I have a headache and my stomach hurts. I think I will pull through alright. I just hope it is soon. Now, I am going to go lay on the roof in the sun with two of the team. I need to just relax, so I am going to do just that. Also, I have a small prayer request. For some reason unkown to me, there has been some magazine that I haven´t signed up for taking money out of my account in the amount of about 100 dollars now. I have talked with my bank and they are working on it, but it is a little frustrating as I am not at all made of money. They said it can take some weeks to a couple months, but she seemed to think it would just take calling the magazine company. Pray that I am able to get my money back. Thank you so much!!
-Jordan K. Ernst

Back from the Jungle!!!!!

We are back safe and sound! It was an awesome 10 days! There were 21 saved!!! 3 Healed!! and 6 baptized!!!! Praise God!!! I was also able to aid in the saving of a little baby! I was able to buy some things it needed to survive. The father was soo thankful that he made me a necklace and two other decorative things. I was very touched... We were working with the Shuar indians. two tribes over from where Jim Elliot was killed. We worked with the same flying mission as was started by those missionaries. I saw Jim and Elizabeth´s old house and everything. It was soo cool to be able to be there. I would like to hear from you all! Until next time!
-Jordan K. Ernst

søndag, april 17, 2005

Back from Puerto Quito!

We got back yesterday from Puerto Quito! It was an awesome time! We really helped the DTS (discipleship training school) get on it's feet. It just started the day we got there, so we were able to help the students adjust a little bit. We also helped the base with lots of practical ministry. We worked on the appearance of the base, and set up a better rain water collection system, and I also had some of the teaching for the DTS!! Jordan, that DTS teacher!! =) haha... On Tuesady morning at 1 o'clock, we leave for the Amazon jungle for 10 days! We will be working with the same people group as Jim and Elizabeth Elliot worked with!!! I don't think it is the same village, but it is at least the same people group... I will let you all know more about the details when I find them out... Please keep us in your prayers! We have to take a bus for 5 hours towards the jungle, then take some small prop planes over the mountains to the small landing strip near the village... It should be really exciting, but also a bit challenging... I feel ready for it! It sounds like really good ministry opportunities in the jungle... I feel so blessed... Thank you, Jesus!

-Jordan K. Ernst

mandag, april 04, 2005

This will most likely be the last one for two weeks...

I leave for Puerto Quito tomorrow. Today, I am just packing my stuff, and also have been in a team gathering to work on our various ministry tools... I am looking forward to the challenges that I will face these next weeks. I appreciate challenges, because through them we grow. I haven´t always looked at them like that, but I am learning to.

This outreach, I feel, will fly by. It is separated into three parts, so I think that will help it to feel much quicker. I am anxious to see how God will use us here in Ecuador. It will be very interesting... =) I have been encouraged a lot by the team as a leader, so that is really cool. It is good to hear when you are respected and looked up to as a leader. My co-leader´s are also incredible. They compliment me very well. As a leader team of 3, I think we work well together. It isn´t always easy having that many leaders of one team, but we have decided to make it work. I don´t know if I have said it before, but I was originally supposed to be leading the team to India with one other leader, but they felt for some reason that God wanted me here. That is cool to see that God wanted me somewhere. I think I know why He wanted me here now, and I am thankful that I was put here. It is also cool, because God actually told me to go here anyway. God is cool how he works... It´s not always how you think. It is always better. =) I think that I will very likely go to Asia next year, and that will be an awesome opportunity. After that, I will only need to go to Oceania, then I will have made it to all the continents. That´s cool for a guy only 21! =) Ok, I will let you all go now... This is getting long... Talk to you later!
-Jordan K. Ernst

søndag, april 03, 2005

First sunburn....

Well, I got a little pink on the face and neck today during our team gathering on the roof.... I wasn´t thinking we would be out so long.... stupid me.... It´s not that bad though... It will tan over... We will be going to church in the morning and then will have the remainder of the day off. Today, we have just been working on team things like dramas and dances and such. We are trying to prepare for our time in Puerto Quito. I am looking forward to it. It looks like very promising program.

I will be out of reach of computer for about two weeks when in Puerto Quito, but I will write on Monday, and more when I get back. Miss you guys!

Also, finances are better but still not all worked out... Thanks to all of you for your support!
-Jordan K. Ernst

fredag, april 01, 2005

Now in Quito, Ecuador!

Well, I have to be quick, but I wanted to let you all know that I have arrived safe and sound in Ecuador! It is really cool here, and we are soon heading out to a place called Puerto Quito for our first weeks of ministry! It will be so cool! Please keep the team in your prayers. Be blessed everyone! Write more later!
-Jordan K. Ernst

torsdag, mars 24, 2005

Praise be to God!

Guess what! Today we had the team sending out, and right before we took up an offering for those who didn't have all the money they needed to go. Now, I only need about 700 USD more! That is pretty cool I think. I am thankful at least...

It is extremely close now. I leave on Monday morning at 6 am from Skien now. We have to be a little earlier than previously planned. That is so soon. I am still not completely realizing that it is so close. I can't wait though. It will be soo good.

Today we had a team day where we took our team out on a bit of a hike. It was such a gorgeous day. Not a cloud in the sky, and it as so good to breathe fresh air. There was a layer of snow on the ground still, and the lake we hiked to was frozen over. We walked across it until we found a place on the shore that looked nice to make a fire. We found an unbeatable spot. It was such a good time of fellowship and fun. The weather was absolutely perfect for such a trip. Thank You, Jesus! Well, I should start finishing my last few tasks before I leave on outreach, so I will leave you with this. Be blessed beyond imagination!
-Jordan K. Ernst

tirsdag, mars 22, 2005

Clock keeps ticking...

It is Tuesday. Tomorrow is our last day of actual teaching, and after that the students have off for the weekend..... My team leaves on Monday at noon from the base, and flies out at 7:30 in the evening. Please keep us in your prayers this week. Also, my financial situation is still the same, and I need about 1,500 USD. Be blessed!

mandag, mars 21, 2005

Still hasn't hit me....

It is now Monday. We have begun our last week before we leave for our separate countries, and I still haven't really come to realize what is happening... =) In exactly one week, I will be on my way to Ecuador. First, I have a 25 hour layover in New York, where I will be staying with my cousin for one night, then we are off to Quito, Ecuador. I guess I won't really realize what is happening until I get there... I can't believe it is here already... I almost feel as if I just got to Norway. I know it probably feels like longer for you, since you have missed me so much =), but it doesn't feel like so long since I left the States... And now I will fly through the States and see my cousin! I'm sorry, but that is the last thing I expected to be doing in a week... I am really looking forward to this next week and the next, but I am still a little anxious... I am still needing to figure out the financial side of this trip, so that plays a role, but I am still doing rather well considering. God is good, and I am not worrying.

I have just come back from an encouraging week with my team and I feel ready to leave for outreach with them. I think it is a really good team that is able to work well together. There is the chance of a few spats every now and then, but I am prepared to handle it. It is mostly with one person, but I am not worrying. I will be strict. But pray for me none the less.

I guess I will be able to update this while I am down there as well, but it is possible that it won't be as often. There will be one period of about two weeks where I am in the jungle, so I probably won't have access to a computer there... =) I will do the best I can! god bless!

torsdag, mars 17, 2005

Ja, HALLO!!! Hva for NÅ?!

So far, it has been a really good team week. We have been at two meetings with very very positive responses. We were in a youth club last night at a local Prayerhouse church, and today in a Christian gathering in a highschool. Both went really really well. Today, I spoke about the different masks people wear, and how Christians often where the most. We often have a different mask for every person we are around. It had such a good response from the students. I think we may have gained at least one student for next year's DTS. But that isn't for sure.... just hopeful... =) God is really helping me with my motivation and joy about the coming outreach to Ecuador. I am really looking forward to it, and not worrying at all. That is such a blessing. God is so good!

tirsdag, mars 15, 2005

Man oh man....so soon....

I am now in Randaberg! It is a small place north of Stavanger on the west coast. It was a bit of a long day on the road again. I drove straight the whole time in a Mercedes mini-bus. The trip was about 7 hours long. I'm glad to be at our destination now..... This is our last team week in Norway! After this week, we just have one more week in Skien and then we are off to Ecuador! I am really looking forward to it! God is going to do awesome things! I can't believe that outreach is here already. In one way, it feels like I just got here. It is psycho crazy weird.... It's been good though. I have learned a lot. I have really seen growth in my own life....That is so cool. It is so cool when you can see it in yourself. Sometimes it is so hard to see change in your own life. I have seen that I have grown in many different areas. Including the practical sides of things as well. i.e. driving in snow, working on cars, getting out of crisis' when you are the leader in another country....and so on.... =) God is good all the time! That is so true. My spirits are high. Praise God for that!
-Jordan K. Ernst

tirsdag, mars 08, 2005

What to say....

Well, I am still in the progress of fixing the rest of outreach. I am waiting for a response from Ecuador on the budget. There was a big problem with the budget that I am now having to fix, so that is a bit time consuming. I need to call Ecuador as soon as they e-mail me now. Waiting is the worst when you need to get things done.... Other than that, I am doing well in my heart. Feeling healthy and ready for outreach! I hope I can get everything in order before I leave! Pray for that!

lørdag, mars 05, 2005

Is it possible?

Well, as you know, I am soon and very soon leaving for the country of Ecuador. I will be there for two months, and working a bit with children, a little construction, and a lot of evangelizing. I will be leading a team of seven people including myself, and can't wait to get there. I really am praying that it is a successful time for my team and I. I want to grow with God more, and I also want to be able to start a process in some people there. I want to plant the seed. I don't have to see it grow in front of my own eyes, but I do want to know that I planted it in good soil. That is my goal; to plant the seed in good soil. You can pray for me that I will be able to do that. I fly out of Norway on the 29th of this month, and will arrive in Quito, Ecuador sometime on the 30th. I have a 25 hour layover in New York, where I will be staying with my cousin, Jennifer. I really look forward to that. Man, and after outreach I am only in Norway for some days until I fly back to the States. That is so crazy. Has the time already gone by? It feels like I just left. I guess that it is different from my perspective than yours though...

This week is just about over. Tonight, we will be on the streets evangelizing to the people going clubbing. We start prayer at 11 and will be heading out at 12. In Norway, the weekend is when everyone goes out and gets drunk and goes dancing... That is just how it is everywhere here. We try to use it as an opportunity to share with people. Or even to just have a conversation with a person. We just want to see people where they are at, and show them a bit a Jesus' heart. I must admit that it isn't always easy, but I know that I am not doing for my own benefit, but rather because Jesus wants me to. I want to glorify the Father in everything that I do, and I know one way of doing that is fulfilling the great commission.

Gud er så inn i hæljeroa god! Takk Jesus for at du er god. Takk for at du elsker meg. Hellig er ditt navn! Pris Herren!

torsdag, mars 03, 2005

Well, the week progresses

It has been a good week so far. I have gotten many practical things done around the base. It feels good to fix things. Really good. Today, I fixed the main door of the base. It was not closing al lthe way by itself for some reason, so I had to grind away some of the bottom of it, and also grind away a little on the steel lip on the floor. I'm not sure how good of a mental picture I just gave you, but I can't think of a better way to explain it... Just know that it works now. =) It was fun, but extremely cold, fixing it. It has been so cold these last days. I think it has been around -10 ºC. That is pretty cold....

I have been working a lot with outreach lately. I am desperately trying to work out all the details with the YWAM base in Equador. I have been going round and round with them trying to figure out the budget, and it has been so difficult. I would actually covet your prayers for it's successful completion. It can be quite the headache. I have never planned an outreach before, so this is a new challenge for me. Luckily, I am not the one actually planning the ministry. I am just okaying it.

Also, there is a new addition to this website! I have added a new picture page with pics from the beginning of this DTS year!! Check it out!

onsdag, mars 02, 2005

God is so faithful...

You know, it hasn't been at all easy living on only the support of others over these past 6 months... I am one of those people who doesn't like to ask for help financially. It has never really been natural for me. God has really been teaching me a lot about obedience and pride since I have been here. I shouldn't feel bad about asking for financial help, if what I am doing it for is purposed for expanding God's Kingdom. It also requires a ton of faith in God. Man... has that been tough... but God is so faithful. I already have almost half of what I need for outreach. Now, that may sound a little down to the wire, but I really believe God is still working. He already provided the first half. Why would it be so hard to believe for the next half?

As far as what I have been doing lately, I am leading a team week here in Skien. I, personally, have been doing mostly practical work around the base. This morning I was in the team gathering with worship and prayer and talking about the day's schedule. This afternoon I have been working around the base. Fixing this and that. I had to go buy a whole new locking mechanism for one of the fire escape doors because the old one broke. Plus, we had a fire inspection today, and they also said that it needed to be fixed asap. That is now working, and everything else I fixed is still working! Praise God! =) I also had to do a little car work, since I am the only staff here able to do such things. Jay, our car person, is some hours away doing a production that our base travels around doing. It has been a busy but effective day. I like these kinds of days. I feel better after them... So yeah, that is what's going on these days. In no time at all I will be heading off to Equador! I need your prayers for that! Don't forget to check out the rest of the site! i.e. pics and prayer subjects. There aren't any new pics at the moment, but they are coming soon! Until next time!
-Jordan K. Ernst

mandag, februar 28, 2005


It is Monday. Tonight we have sending off of the different teams for this team week. We have a time of prayer for each team. It will actually be an interesting week, because we are lacking several of our staff this week. It will be up to 2 1/2 of us... I am leading... It isn't so easy with so few staff, because we are often having to drive up to an hour sometimes to get to where we are having the program. With God's help, it will work fine. And by the way, I am feeling healthy now. Just so you know... =) Have a great day!

torsdag, februar 24, 2005

Last night before going home to Skien...

I am enjoying my last night of my week off. I am with Solveig and Helene at a friends apartment just hanging out and playing Risk. It has been a nice week. I have been able to relax and get a bit of my energy back. I am feeling nearly 100 percent better in my stomach now. I think I am going to pull through. =) I am glad for that.... YWAM Skien has a reunion tomorrow through Sunday, so that is what I am coming home to. I will be a couple hours late, but I don't really care so much. I won't miss a whole lot. It will be cool to see some people from my DTS. It is also a good weekend of teaching from a couple good teachers. I also want to thank you to those who have checked out the prayer page. I noticed a jump in visits to that page. Please keep it up! Blessings to you all! I will add more tomorrow most likely...

tirsdag, februar 22, 2005

Middle of the week off.....

As some of you know, I am in Krisitansand, which is in southern Norway. A beautiful part of Norway. I love it here. I am staying with two friends of mine who are studying here. They were on my DTS two years ago. Actually, one of them was a staff and one was a fellow student. They are very fun and extremely crazy, but I love 'em. I am having a good time relaxing. I definitely needed it. Especially after visiting the hospital the other day... I hope I don't have to do that again.... I can't really think of much to say... I am enjoying my week off. Oh, I do want to add that it would mean a lot to me if you all would regularly take a look at the prayer subject page, as I have things in there that I would like to be prayed for. I consider that part of the page just as important as this one. Please feel free to check it out regularly. =) Have a blessed day!
-Jordan K. Ernst

fredag, februar 18, 2005

That doesn't happen everyday...

Well, you're not going to believe this one.... Yesterday around 4 we went to one of the team's home for dinner, as they live in this area. We had really good homemade pizza and had a good time. I ate as much as I could, and soon regretted it...
I was feeling sooo full afterwards, and knew that I had to get back to the place we were staying fast. I ran into the restroom, but not a whole lot of business went on... A little, but not what I was expecting.. I decided to lay down. I had to miss out on the youth club we were to be a part of, because I did not feel good at all. As the night progressed, it kept getting worse and worse. It got to the point that I couldn't relax in any position. My stomach hurt more than I can explain. I knew there was something wrong. It couldn't be food poisoning because everyone else ate what I ate, and they were all fine... What was different with me? Did I eat way too much? Not likely... After talking with one of the team some hours later, I decided that I should try to throw up to see if it is something in my stomach. So, I did. I threw up about 6 times. Even after all that, I was still hurting, and even a little more than before. I was in pain. I was talking with God in my room for quite some time asking Him to take the pain away... A little later, the team had finished with the youth thing and it was later in the night. Around 11 they gave me a pain killer that didn't do too much. They finally decided to call the doctor and the doctor said to come down to the emergency room. They said since it had been going on for so long that they were a little worried... I got there and had to wait forever, because the emergency doctor had to suddenly make an emergency house call or something. Finally, I got in. They did a urine test, and a blood test, and the doctor did something else which was very uncomfortable, which I will not say on here... He felt that it wasn't the food, but actually was a bit worried that it might be my appendix. He said that the tests didn't show that it was for sure, but he felt like it was a possibility because of the symptoms and the location of the pain. He sent me to the hospital to be looked at more thoroughly, and the doctors there were talking about whether or not I should stay there to be observed or to do surgery then. They weren't completely convinced that it was my appendix, so they just gave me the option of staying there or going home with supervision. They told me to come straight back if it got at all worse. I went home around 5 in the morning, and fell asleep by the help of God. I woke up this morning with a little bit of pain, but was feeling a bit better. I thought about it and realized that because of the throwing up, I hadn't eaten anything in 24 hours, so I ate lunch. I figured that could have been part of the reason I still had some pain in my stomach. It helped, and now the pain is almost gone. I am praying that it continues to go away, and that it isn't my appendix. Even though that would make a great story, I would much rather I didn't have to go through that. I want to leave you with one thing. Even though God did not heal me when I wanted, it doesn't mean that God is not good. God is good all the time. Even through our pain and suffering, He is good. I am on the road to recovery now, and that is a blessing. Thanks be to God that I am as healthy as I am!

torsdag, februar 17, 2005

Wireless Internet is from God

Well, I didn't think that I would be able to update my page for a while, but I discovered that there is wireless interenet in this church! Cool?! I thought it was handy.... Well, I am in Aalgaard now, and have had a really good time so far. God has been doing things and there were two that got saved last night and 2 that were not Chrisitan, but they had questions! Cool?! God is good! It is so encouraging when these things happen. Well, I gotta go to a team gathering now... ( I am the leader you know... have to be a good example.... ) I will write more tomorrow or something! God Bless your day!

søndag, februar 13, 2005

Weekends Weekends Weekends.....

It's always nice when the weekend roles around. Yesterday was the first official day of my weekend, and it was actually quite nice. A couple of the staff that are remaining here for the weekend wanted to go to a movie. I wanted to as well, but didn't exactly have the money. Luckily, I have really cool friends here, and one of them told me that they would help pay for it, so I got to go too! We saw Meet the Fockers! I must say that I thought this was a very funny movie. I thought it was almost funnier than the first one. I really enjoyed it. -Mom, you would like it I think.- It was definitely a good evening. After the movie we went back to the staff girl's apartment and hung out for a bit. I am hoping today can be just as lovely. It has started off well. I placed my laundry in the dryer when I woke up, and then had eggs for breakfast, and then took a nice shower. Now, I am clean and smelling nice, and am at the office updating this lovely site. Until next time, peace out!

fredag, februar 11, 2005

Winter break...

It is now our winter break for the next few days. We have off until Tuesday afternoon. On Tuesday afternoon, I will be leading another team on a team week. This time we will be on the west coast of Norway in a place called Ålgård. We will be there from Tuesday until Sunday. We will be working mostly with teenagers as far as I know. I think it will be a really good opportunity for our team. I am feeling good about this week. I hope that we can have a godly impact on these teenager's lives. As far as this weekend goes.... I am once again in the place of trying to figure out something fun to do with those that are still here... tonight is on the front of my mind right now... think think think.... any ideas? I guess I will figure out something... Wish me luck!

torsdag, februar 10, 2005

Arriving home is a blessing....

I have arrived home. Thank you, Lord. It was a very long day, but I managed with God's help and His grace. I arrived home around 9:40 in the evening. I am very glad to be home again. It is a good feeling returning home after a long journey. The vehicle seems to be in good working order. That is a blessing. This week we are having extremely good teaching from a man by the name of Ken Helser. He is from North Carolina, and has so much of God in him. you would have to experience him to truly understand what I mean. He is such a man of God. Such an awesome heart. It is truly a gift to be able to hear from him. You all may notice a difference in my updates these days, because my life here is a bit more busy than it was in Denmark... =) I will do my best to do justice to the updates. Glory to God in the Highest! Until next time!

tirsdag, februar 08, 2005

It is down to hours....

It is down to 14 hours and 43 minutes until I am on my way to Norway. I will catch a train from Høje Taastrup at 6:08, and arrive in Århus at 8:44. I will then take a bus from Århus to Skovby to pick up our infamous base car. I will leave there right around 10 o'clock and start driving north to Hirtshals to catch the ferry. I need to be there by 12:45, but I will leave at 1:45. I will arrive in Kristiansand, Norway at 6:15, and then drive to Skien and arrive around 9 or 9:20. That is tomorrow! I look forward to its completion. It will be a long day. Today, I have washed my clothes, watched another movie, and pretty much just hung around. There is a youth club tonight here at the church that I will most likely join, but right after I will try to go to bed. I have enjoyed my time here in Denmark, and thank God for all He has taught me.

mandag, februar 07, 2005

Good films....

I must say that no matter how many times I have seen the movie Forrest Gump, it never gets old. It is a quality film. Quality. Every time that I see it, I just get so touched by it. It makes me think of things that have passed. It reminds me very much of my dad, and also of home. I watched that movie several times over the first few years of its release. I don't think there are many movies out there that are the same quality as Forrest Gump. I guess I should say why this topic came up. I just watched it. There. Make more sense now? =) I really admire the person Tom Hanks portrays in this film. He has such strong character, and he holds people so high. He has such respect for people. I think that we could learn something from him actually. Strength of character is something that most people today lack. Especially as Christians we should lead by showing strength of character. If we don't show that, then what is different in the world's eyes. They need to see that we live what we preach. Otherwise, they won't listen to ANYTHING we have to say. I pray that I will be a person that can and will walk what I talk.

The sun sets, and the sun rises once again

Monday has arrived. I find myself once again in a state of cessation. A place that I have not found myself for quite some time now. Over the last months in Norway, I have constantly been surrounded by people. Last year, I was always working. To be in this situation, is quite strange. Neither good nor bad. I do believe that if it were to be for much longer, I would get very restless. In one way it is nice to just be able to relax and hang around, but at the same time, I feel unsettled. Away from home. Out of place. It is a strange feeling to be here. This is a place that was filled with people I knew for the past two weeks, and suddenly, they are all gone. And I'm not even in a place that I really know. That just makes the whole thing even more unfamiliar.

But anyhow, I have figured out when and how I will pick up the vehicle. It will be an early Wednesday morning for me, and a long Wednes DAY. It'll be good to get home. I get a bit tired of just watching movies all the time... It will be better when the guy I am staying with gets back. Then, it's not so strange. Today, I watched a movie that was in Spanish, and I had to use Norwegian subtitles. Never actually done that before. Quite interesting. Now I know how people feel that have to watch a movie that is in a language they either don't know or don't know well and have to use subtitles. Also, a language I am still learning. So yes, that is what's going on today. Hope you're having a good one!

søndag, februar 06, 2005

Another passing day..

It is Sunday. So far, I have gone to church and watched a movie. It has been a good day. The movie I watched, Riddick, was interesting, but have to admit that it isn't necessarily one of those movies that I would watch over and over again. It was a good one-timer. I just like Vin Diesel. He's a cool dude. =)

But anyway, as I drink my french pressed coffee, I wonder what to do next. What do I do after I am done writing this? That is the question of the day. The light is dimming, and there is cloud cover. I have green grapes in the freezer waiting until they are hard, but that could take some time till. I must only find an activity in which I can entertain myself till nightfall. The clock is ticking and still, there are no thoughts.

Why must this always be my standstill? I only wish that I was more creative, so it would be no problem to find things to do. When I have money, it is no problem, but without it; I am bored. It shouldn't be that way. Money should not be the thing that keeps me entertained. That brings up another valid point. Why must I always be entertained? Is it truly necessary to my existence? I don't think so. I think it is a thought brought on by an ever-changing society that tells us that our lives are only worth something if they are filled with "interesting" experiences. Now I've gone a little off. Is it always good to analyze? Did I over-analyze? Am I still over-analyzing? Probably. So I'll stop now. I'll go check my grapes.

lørdag, februar 05, 2005

Yes, first day without the rest of the team...

I am all alone. They all left at 5 this am, and now, I am lonely. The guy that I am staying with is gone for the day, and won't be back until later.... I predict that I will be at this computer quite a bit, as the other room is occupied by some church people in a little meeting... Maybe I will watch a movie on the computer... That sounds like a good idea. =) I only have to do this for a little more than 3 more days. I can handle that. Wish me luck!

fredag, februar 04, 2005

So far so good...

Our guy from Norway just arrived with the vehicle to pick up the team. He has been driving literally all day. The team, minus me, will leave bright and early in the morning. Probably around 5 or 5:30 I believe. They will need prayer as their vehicle is actually a little older than the one that broke down, but it doesn't have any problems that I know of... other than it is a bit ugly and I have done a bit of the previous repairs on it... =/ =).... no worries. God is in control. (not me...) I will not be returning home until Wednesday... I am a bit bummed, but I will survive. It is a good thing for me, and I can look back on it positively. I actaully really like the fact that I am growing through all this stuff. I may not notice it right away, but when I reflect on it, I can see that I will be more capable next time if something similar happens. Thank God for that! Blessings to you all!

torsdag, februar 03, 2005

I got it!

I have been trying to get my hands on this juggling 'toy' since I discovered the joy it brought to me while I was on my outreach two years ago, and finally that journey is over. I was in a Toys'R'us here in Denmark and I got one! I will take a picture of it and post it on the picture page for you to look at if you want. I am so stoked... I love it so much. It is also an awesome thing to take on outreach, because it draws the attention of kids really well. Kids love watching it so much! I hope I will be able to use it as a tool on this next outreach. Talk to you all later!

Another day!

Yes, that is right. It is a new day with new opportunities. Today, a few of us were helping a woman from a nearby apartment complex clean her bathroom and also her'garden' in the front of where she lives. The rest of us either picked up trash or sat and just wrote down things or drew things that we wanted to speak over the apartments. The apartments have a very large percentage of immigrants, mostly muslim, so it is a very drab and depressive place. We have focused a lot on it over the last 2 weeks. We have prayed there several times, and have picked up trash there twice. In general, Muslims have a very fatalistic view on life, so they don't take any pride in there surroundings. You can really see the contrast from the Danish apartment complex not too far away. Everything is in good working order, and is also quite clean. It is almost as if there is this cloud over the one neighborhood that makes it very depressive. Everything looks dead in a way. Lifeless. Sad. We have been praying that there would be a change, and that there would be more Christians coming and living there. I really believe that things would start looking and feeling 100% better. I pray that God's name would just be glorified in that place. It really needs it. As well as Denmark. Denmark is in extreme need of Jesus. Kom Hellig Ånd og ta Danmark tilbake til Deg! De trenger Deg, Jesus. Amen.

onsdag, februar 02, 2005

Back from the city!

It was a success! We had a great day off in the beautiful city of Copenhagen and were able to see some cool sites, and also take in the city for what it's worth. I was able to take some cool pictures, and also look around in some cool stores. Copenhagen is a wonderful city where one could be entertained for days on end. Many things to do and many things to see.

tirsdag, februar 01, 2005

A Day in the City!

Today, we are having a day off! We are going into downtown Copenhagen for the day, and seeing the sites and doing a little bit of shopping as well. That of course varies from person to person, depending on who has money. So that leaves a couple of the girls to the shopping part.... =) I intend on taking some nice pictures and just having an all around nice time. It is an awesome city, and one would find it rather difficult to get bored there. There are all kinds of things to see. Wish you were here!

mandag, januar 31, 2005


A new day.... Today, we are going to go to a nearby neighborhood that is about a 50% immigrant population. We are going to go door to door and ask them if they would like any help with anything. i.e. washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, taking out the trash.... I must admit that it is going to be a bit difficult for me, but I am asking for help from God... =) I just want to look at these people like Jesus does. It is often so hard to see people through Jesus' eyes. I hope that it can be a blessing to someone today. I hope we can portray Jesus in a way that is accurate. After that, we have been invited to the house of someone here in the church. They are going to make dinner for us and also some really good cake, I hear.... =) This is the day that the Lord has made!

Denmark Update (Please read if you have time)

Well, as some of you know, I am in Denmark at present. I have been here for almost one week, and will continue to be here for one more week. We have been doing a bit of intercession and some spiritual warfare. It has been a good time so far. The team is getting some good experience with prayer, and I am being quite challenged as well. I had a huge challenge getting here. I guess I could share with you all what happened... We left from Skien, Norway around 7 o'clock Monday evening. We were headed for Kristiansand in the south of Norway, which is about a 3 hour trip. We arrived safely in Krisitansand and slept there for the night. Early the next morning, we got up and headed for the ferry. The ferry to Denmark is about a 4 1/2 hour trip. We had a fun time on the ferry, and a fun beginning of our drive in Denmark. We got off the ferry on the very northern tip of Denmark and started our way south to Copenhagen. We were very glad to see that the speed limit went from being only 80 KM/h to 130KM/h. We were making much better time. The sun was out, and the car was moving quickly through the country. When we had just about reached the half-way point, I noticed a strange noise coming from the engine, which was positioned directly under the driver's seat where I was sitting... I decided to pull over and check it out. When I took a look at it, I could see nothing wrong. I decided to turn on the car and see if I could locate the problem. I could hear a very loud noise coming from the piston chamber, but had no idea what it could be. I decided to take the next exit and go to a gas station to see if I could get a better answer there. As you might have guessed, no help there. I called back to Norway to let them know the situation, and after about an hour and a half of waiting for them to call me back with an answer, I was told that I didn't have a problem, but rather a challenge... =) I had an opportunity to work on my Danish, and also figure out a way to get the car working and the team to Copenhagen. That wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, but I kind of almost expected it. By this time, it is getting very close to store closing hours, and I just barely found a mechanic right next to the highway. I asked them if they could help me out at all, and as you might have guessed again. They couldn't do anything for me. The team and I decided to pray. We wanted a miracle. And we wanted it right away! =) I turned the car back on and guess what! That's right. The noise was still there... Not exactly what I had hoped for... by this time, the noise was really loud and was really making me nervous. I asked the team what them felt we should do, and we all decided to try to make it to the next city, where we had planned to take a ferry. It was only about 41 km away. I was still a bit nervous about continuing, but I kind of felt it was what we were supposed to do. so I continued on the road. I drove that thing very carefully and only about 90 km/h. When we got to the point where we only had 19km to go, we were thinking this would all be ok, and we would make it. No sooner had we said that that the engine suddenly just gave out. I felt something fall off the car and I saw smoke billowing out from under the car. Or should I say 'mini bus'. On top of that, the accelerator didn't do anything. I quickly pulled it over to the side of the road and shut it off. I am remaining calm, but am rather stressed out in my head. Over the next 2 hours we were just sitting in a freexing cold vehicle 'figuring out what to do'. One of the team knew someone in Denmark, so they gave them a call. That person got a hold of a towing company for us and eventually came and got us, and took us to the train station in the next town we were headed to. They took the mini bus to a mechanic and would contact me when they knew the problem. The whole while I had been communicating with the Norway Base director and one other leader letting them know what was going on. We eventually got on a train to Copenhagen. The train ride was quite some hours, but we finally made it and were very happy to have arrived 'safely'. We thanked God for getting us to our location. I cam to find out over the next days that we were going to need a complete new engine, and after that found out that the mechanic could not find the right engine for us in all of Denmark. Problem. We found one in a northern city in Norway, and are having it driven to us by someone at the base in Norway. That person will take the team back at the end of this week, and I will stay behind with the other car and drive it back when it is fixed. I am sorry for the condensed story, but if I wrote every detail, you would be here until tomorrow... =) I already apologize for the length as is. I hope this was educational! =) god bless!