fredag, juni 10, 2005

Well, I have been able to secure at least a couple money making opportunities...

Early tomorrow morning, I will be working with a guy I know setting up a sound system for a local highschool graduation. Should be fun. It will be a good size system, as there will be probably a few thousand people.... In the evening we will tear the system down again.... Not a ton of money made, but it is something. The day after, I will be helping another guy I know rip out some carpet from a house. that should be a little more money.... not much more, but something. At this point, I am taking almost everything I can get. I really need help with my finances. I have to make enough to buy a plane ticket back to Norway, and hopefully a bit to help me through this next year. If I am going to be making my roots a little bit deeper in Norway, I am going to need to figure out a more consistent support method. I have strongly considered getting a part time job, but it would not be very east when I am almost always busy with other responsibilities. If you don't mind praying for possible opportunities, that would be very welcome. Well, I am getting tired and hungry, so I am going to go now... Take care! Hademmmm....
-Jordan K. Ernst

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hi JOrdan - it was good to see you on Sunday. Glad you are finding some work. If you are considering a part-time job in Norway, maybe consider teaching English classes...just a thought. Some students learn basic English in other countries but lack in conversational English skills. You might do tutoring or small groups lessons. God bless

Anonym sa...

Hi Jordan. I`m happy with you that you are well back in the States. Good job with the updates! It`s been enjoyable to read. I just discovered your blog today.
I don`t know if I will get a blog soon- I`ll see. Anyway- Have a blessed evening/day.

Anonym sa...

Hey GordOn- glad to see things are going well at home. HOpe that you're enjoying your summer vaccation. Be blessed...

Anonym sa...

Jordan!!! It's Chelsea, Kristin, and Stephanie!!! We would love to see you!!! I am coming to salem tonight! My phone died and I lost your number, so you should gimme a call! I'm not going to leave my number here, cuz that's just sketchy, but... email me or something! I want to hear all about your travels :) -Chelsea :)