torsdag, februar 03, 2005

Another day!

Yes, that is right. It is a new day with new opportunities. Today, a few of us were helping a woman from a nearby apartment complex clean her bathroom and also her'garden' in the front of where she lives. The rest of us either picked up trash or sat and just wrote down things or drew things that we wanted to speak over the apartments. The apartments have a very large percentage of immigrants, mostly muslim, so it is a very drab and depressive place. We have focused a lot on it over the last 2 weeks. We have prayed there several times, and have picked up trash there twice. In general, Muslims have a very fatalistic view on life, so they don't take any pride in there surroundings. You can really see the contrast from the Danish apartment complex not too far away. Everything is in good working order, and is also quite clean. It is almost as if there is this cloud over the one neighborhood that makes it very depressive. Everything looks dead in a way. Lifeless. Sad. We have been praying that there would be a change, and that there would be more Christians coming and living there. I really believe that things would start looking and feeling 100% better. I pray that God's name would just be glorified in that place. It really needs it. As well as Denmark. Denmark is in extreme need of Jesus. Kom Hellig Ånd og ta Danmark tilbake til Deg! De trenger Deg, Jesus. Amen.

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