mandag, februar 07, 2005

Good films....

I must say that no matter how many times I have seen the movie Forrest Gump, it never gets old. It is a quality film. Quality. Every time that I see it, I just get so touched by it. It makes me think of things that have passed. It reminds me very much of my dad, and also of home. I watched that movie several times over the first few years of its release. I don't think there are many movies out there that are the same quality as Forrest Gump. I guess I should say why this topic came up. I just watched it. There. Make more sense now? =) I really admire the person Tom Hanks portrays in this film. He has such strong character, and he holds people so high. He has such respect for people. I think that we could learn something from him actually. Strength of character is something that most people today lack. Especially as Christians we should lead by showing strength of character. If we don't show that, then what is different in the world's eyes. They need to see that we live what we preach. Otherwise, they won't listen to ANYTHING we have to say. I pray that I will be a person that can and will walk what I talk.

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