tirsdag, februar 08, 2005

It is down to hours....

It is down to 14 hours and 43 minutes until I am on my way to Norway. I will catch a train from Høje Taastrup at 6:08, and arrive in Århus at 8:44. I will then take a bus from Århus to Skovby to pick up our infamous base car. I will leave there right around 10 o'clock and start driving north to Hirtshals to catch the ferry. I need to be there by 12:45, but I will leave at 1:45. I will arrive in Kristiansand, Norway at 6:15, and then drive to Skien and arrive around 9 or 9:20. That is tomorrow! I look forward to its completion. It will be a long day. Today, I have washed my clothes, watched another movie, and pretty much just hung around. There is a youth club tonight here at the church that I will most likely join, but right after I will try to go to bed. I have enjoyed my time here in Denmark, and thank God for all He has taught me.

2 kommentarer:

ane sa...

hi!finally i got to read your blog!=) drive carefully tomorrow! we look forward to get you back. now we are taking shots for outreach,wasn't as bad as i thought=) take care!see you tomorrow!

Anders Hyldgård sa...

I hope you are having a nice trip up there and there won´t be any problems with the car.