torsdag, mars 03, 2005

Well, the week progresses

It has been a good week so far. I have gotten many practical things done around the base. It feels good to fix things. Really good. Today, I fixed the main door of the base. It was not closing al lthe way by itself for some reason, so I had to grind away some of the bottom of it, and also grind away a little on the steel lip on the floor. I'm not sure how good of a mental picture I just gave you, but I can't think of a better way to explain it... Just know that it works now. =) It was fun, but extremely cold, fixing it. It has been so cold these last days. I think it has been around -10 ºC. That is pretty cold....

I have been working a lot with outreach lately. I am desperately trying to work out all the details with the YWAM base in Equador. I have been going round and round with them trying to figure out the budget, and it has been so difficult. I would actually covet your prayers for it's successful completion. It can be quite the headache. I have never planned an outreach before, so this is a new challenge for me. Luckily, I am not the one actually planning the ministry. I am just okaying it.

Also, there is a new addition to this website! I have added a new picture page with pics from the beginning of this DTS year!! Check it out!

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