torsdag, april 26, 2007


Having some fun on trail bikes in Tynset...Me and Annis!!! Those are her Pamela lips...

The stage where we had our show in Tynset..

This is me sitting on the biggest ¨kick¨in the world...

Nidarosdomen in Trondheim... amazing detail.. but surely interesting spiritual history....
From Tynset to Trondheim and soon Heimdal and Molde...

tirsdag, april 24, 2007

First day on the tour to the North...

Well, we have now left on our long tour northward. We will be on tour for one month in northern Norway. We left today with an extremely full-packed bus and high spirits. Before leaving Skien, our base leader(who just got back from having heart surgery) had us over to his house and made us dinner. It was very good.. I hadn´t eaten all day prior to that meal actually... Here are a few pictures from our day..
Me and Julie, with Andreas sneaking into the back... he is not on the team... he was sad to see us leave him alone at the base for a month...

stopping at our favourite petrol station... Statoil!!

Arne re-tightening the lug nuts after he and I changed to summer tires...

Jarle and I trying to amuse ourselves... our actually, Jarle came from behind and just started crawling through my legs and then standing up before I knew what was happening... this was the result... =) Keep us in your prayers!!!!

fredag, april 06, 2007

London town

Hopefully you will enjoy some of my pictures taken whilst I was in London... They aren´t the best pics I have ever taken, but they work... enjoy... by they way, for those of you not accustomed to this blog, you can click the pictures for larger views.. now you can enjoy

The infamous pelicans of St. James´Park.... They´re huge!!! I saw a video of one of these things online where it ATE, I repeat, ATE a pigeon! It grabbed it up in it´s beak and swallowed it whole!!
The sad thing about travelling alone is, all you pictures of yourself are close up and lame... it is too tiring to keep asking people to take your picture.. plus it rarely turns out how you would like it anyway... so... this is the product of my stubberness... enjoy

I could dress like this everyday in London if I wanted to... I love that

In front of Westminster Abbey

In front of Buckingham Palace

Me and Jennifer(my cousin) out on the town