torsdag, mars 17, 2005

Ja, HALLO!!! Hva for NÅ?!

So far, it has been a really good team week. We have been at two meetings with very very positive responses. We were in a youth club last night at a local Prayerhouse church, and today in a Christian gathering in a highschool. Both went really really well. Today, I spoke about the different masks people wear, and how Christians often where the most. We often have a different mask for every person we are around. It had such a good response from the students. I think we may have gained at least one student for next year's DTS. But that isn't for sure.... just hopeful... =) God is really helping me with my motivation and joy about the coming outreach to Ecuador. I am really looking forward to it, and not worrying at all. That is such a blessing. God is so good!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Good report! Praise God for what He is doing in so many lives!