lørdag, desember 23, 2006
It is morning... I am at a friend´s place... crashed here last night.... Having a great time in the States with Hans.... We are hungry and about to find some breakfast... Any questions, just e-mail me.... Later
fredag, desember 15, 2006
Leaving for Oslo tonight!!!
The time has come! Tonight at 8:25 my train goes from Skien to Oslo! I fly out early tomorrow morning for Portland! pray that the travelling is not too boring... see some of you soon!
mandag, desember 11, 2006
5 days and counting!
It is getting very close to the day that I make my way back to the northwestern United States. I can´t wait... it has been all too long since I was there for a nice relaxing visit. As for the rest of this week, it is filled with booking and finish up work for the year... Until next time, Jordan
mandag, desember 04, 2006
hello once again... sorry for the absence... I have been working on a car all week... but anyway, as for what is happening now, REBOOT is off to Denmark tomorrow morning for some days. We have two shows and a day of hanging out in Copenhagen. Should be fun. 5 students from the DTS are joining, and they are a great bunch of people. I look forward to hanging a bit with them. Please pray for us if you think about it! I will write more later!
hello once again... sorry for the absence... I have been working on a car all week... but anyway, as for what is happening now, REBOOT is off to Denmark tomorrow morning for some days. We have two shows and a day of hanging out in Copenhagen. Should be fun. 5 students from the DTS are joining, and they are a great bunch of people. I look forward to hanging a bit with them. Please pray for us if you think about it! I will write more later!
søndag, november 19, 2006
REBOOT in Drammen...
The show last night was so wonderful. We saw a handful of youth respond to the Gospel. I shared my testimony. Runar preached. And I believe many were touched by God. It was very good. Today, a handful of us will join in the local Vineyard church´s worhsip team, and directly following we will find ourselves back on the road to Skien. It has been a nice weekend, and I hope for many more like it. God has encouraged me this weekend. Until next time!
fredag, november 17, 2006
Going to Drammen....
Well, in about 2 hours we will be heading for Drammen for the weekend. Tonight, we will be joining a youth café and speaking a little bit there... tomorrow we have the show... and on Sunday we are preaching in the church service! Should be really cool.. I will let you all know what happens! Until then!
tirsdag, november 14, 2006
This is not the post that I began originally...
I have now spent the past 20 minutes or so trying to write a really inspiring post, but it failed as I was not able to find the Bible verse that I wanted to use that made the point of the whole thing.... That was frustrating... So the result is now this... In my own words, we should not sit around and wait for God to tell us what to do. God is not in control of our lives...(that may have been controversial..) Do you agree? Do you know why He is not `in control`. Do you think God wants to be in control? I don´t. If He were, would he have bothered to give us free will? What is free will all about? Wouldn´t we be all better off if God just made us do the right thing all the time? Of course God knows what is best for us. Of course He knows which decisions we should make. Why doesn´t He? He gave us free will... Why? So we could be the completion of the most perfect relationship ever. He created us for relationship. THAT, is why He does not dictate our lives. It would not be a relationship if He made all of our decisions for us. We would be puppets. Is it possible to have a relationship with a puppet? Nope... afraid not... The puppet does whatever YOU tell it to do. God does not do the same with us. Puppets have no free will. They can´t decide. They cannot CHOOSE to love anyone or anything. WE, however, have been given the greatest and most dangerous gift of all. Free will. We can choose to love Christ. Therefore, God does not have control over us, nor does He want it. He wants our hearts. He has given us life. He has given us dreams and desires. Don´t wait around for Him to tell you what He wants you to use your life for. You probably already know. And if you are not sure, start going in a direction that seems promising. You cannot steer a ship that is not moving. The ship must be moving first, before you can choose the destination. In everything you do, do it with God. Include God in all that you do. It is as simple as that. Be blessed. God loves you becuase He loves you. That´s it. Enjoy it. Until next time, Jordan
tirsdag, november 07, 2006
sorry about not posting for so long.. I have been kind of lame.. In the past couple weeks I have been on tour on the northwestern coast of Norway. We started up in Ålesund and ended on an island outside of Bergen in a place called Austevoll... It was a good tour. We had lots of cool experiences and also a lot of fun. The team is growing, and getting better known with each other.. For those of you who don´t know yet, I have now been asked to be one of the leaders of REBOOT, so now it is Me and Julie leading the team. Fun fun... Anyway, for now we are in Skien.. we will be doing local shows off and on for the month of November, and will be off to Denmark for a week in December. After that, I am hoping to go home for Christmas for once in my life... it has been some years since I have been able to be home for Christmas, so it would be nice I am able to make it this year... now I just gotta put together 1014.00 usd to buy the ticket.... wish me luck! =) Until next time! Be blessed!
-Jordan K. Ernst
-Jordan K. Ernst
fredag, oktober 20, 2006
Back from Poland!

Well, as of 7:30 Wednesday morning, REBOOT returned to base from some time in Poland! It was an inspirational trip, and we saw God do many great things. One cool thing I will mention is a story of a 50+ year old Chinese woman that was invited to our show by a friend of her´s. The special thing is; she was a back-slidden Christian of 13 years. Our show was the first Christian environment she had come in contact with in these 13 years, and by God´s grace did she recommit her life to Jesus! It was awesome! Our show is geared towards youth from the ages of 12-18!! God can use anything. That was just one example of what God did in Poland. It was a great time for the team to get to know each other better, and see what life on the road is really like when travelling as a part of REBOOT. Please keep us in your prayers. God bless!
torsdag, oktober 05, 2006
Leaving soon for Poland!
In a matter of 5 hours, we will be driving off to Poland. Arne and I have just finished packing the car and trailer with the equipment, and now we are going to go pack the luggage, and then sleep a little before leaving.. we will be driving through Sweden where we will catch a ferry in the south that will take us to Poland. Pray for us!
onsdag, september 20, 2006
The DTS students are invading today!!
Yes, it is official. The DTS students are coming today. No, I am not any longer working directly with the DTS, but it is still a big day in the year of YWAM Skien. I am looking forward to meeting the students anyway... It is always fun. Ok, REBOOT staff meeting now... gotta go!
søndag, september 17, 2006
What is becoming of me??
Well, this weekend has been busy.. we have had a bunch of confirmants from Vennesla, Norway at the base all weekend for a confirmant camp... it was good... I did sound for the thing... I have also been playing computer games with my friend Arne for quite some hours... I needed to do something to relax.. so I thought it would be fun... working on my motor skills and quick thinking... I am ready to get back to work tomorrow I guess... we have so much to do, it is a motivation in itself... just two more weeks until we are taking off.. and boy do we need God's help to get everythiing ready... HELP, GOD!!!
onsdag, september 13, 2006
I haven't been so good for the past 10 days... sorry.... anyway.. things are going well around here.. There is absolutely a ton and a half to do, but it is actually going pretty good i think.. for my part, I have been doing a lot of booking for the tour in Denmark and also the US of A. I have been looking for a new team vehicle a lot as well.. I may have found one yesterday that we will go for. Just have to check some details out, and maybe it will be ours within some days...!! That is a blessing. We have a little less than 3 weeks until we have to be off to Poland. EVERYTHING has to be done by then. A bit stressy at times, but still fun... I like feeling responsible and stuff.. =) If you are curious about where the show will be and when, just drop me a line... We will be in on the west coast in the US in Feb. and March... so... if you are interested in having the show at your church even, let me know.. maybe we can work something out... Until next time!
-Jordan Kenneth Ernst
-Jordan Kenneth Ernst
søndag, september 03, 2006
another post...
Well... on Saturday, I joined a few others in tearing apart some small docks for a farmer that offered us a lot of firewood for the next years if we tear it apart for him. Each dock was approx. 5 m x 2 m... I would guess... it was a lot of work I tell you... we left Skien at 7am and arrived back at midnight... long day... my whole body is sore... But I am also very impressed by how much work we did. We accomplished a lot... There were 16 of those docks and I think about 7 of us.. maybe 8... It is a good feeling to do so much work. Expecially when it was a huge help to that farmer... anyway, I have today and now tomorrow off as well.. so I am going to rest a bit... I am very exhausted.. Be blessed!
onsdag, august 30, 2006
Finally back...
What was supposed to be about a 10 hour trip from Stockholm to Skien, ended up being around a 20 hour trip... our bus broke down in the middle of Sweden yesterday afternoon... We arrived back in Skien at 10:30 this morning... long night I tell you.. but we are finally back and safe... good to be back.. we are taking the day off from work... start up again tomorrow... well.. my mind is kind of mush now.. so I will try to write some more interesting stuff later... until then!
tirsdag, august 29, 2006
Leaving from Poland...
Well, we are at the airport in Gdansk now.. leaving in under an hour... or.. about an hour... We have had a fun weekend... I have experienced a few interesting things actually.. I witnessed a man die on the streets and I watched while the paramedics tried to revive him... he slipped away... Andreas, Einar, Arne, and I all were praying, but he was already gone I think... It was quite heavy to watch... later that night us four got a fine on the train for not buying a ticket in the train station.. we did not know we had to do it at the station.. we though we could just do it on the train... so whatever... it was kind of funny to look back on... they first wanted about 80 bucks from all of us together, but we didn't have that much in cash on us, so we got away with paying like 15 dollars instead... It was an intersting weekend for sure... I will be back here in about a month also. We are bring Reboot to Poland for two weeks in October... Well, we are about to go through customs now... until later!
fredag, august 25, 2006
Leaving for Poland...
Well, in about 50 minutes, we will be driving away from the base... We are driving to Örebro, Sverige (Sweden) where we will sleep for the night, then will continue in the morning to Stockholm where we will catch our plane to Gdansk, Poland. Wish us luck!
mandag, august 21, 2006
It's Monday and all's well....
Monday has began, and we are soon starting work for the day. Another day of planning and scheduling the show. We are in the beginnings of getting a plan for the year, and trying to decide which countries to go to. Our first tour will be in October in Poland. We will be two weeks in Poland. The base will also be going to Poland this weekend for a few days of ministry and relaxation. We leave on Friday afternoon for Stockholm, and will fly from there to Gdansk, Poland on Saturday. I may have forgotten to mention this earlier... but yeah... I am going to Poland this weekend... haha... I will write more later today or tomorrow, but for now, I should get to work...
torsdag, august 17, 2006
Day 1
It's official. Today at 12:30, we will begin whatever it is our first day back on the job entails. I am looking forward to see what it will be. This is a nice time of the year for the staff, because it is mainly just practical work around the base. After dinner, it is just time off to relax and hang out with each other. It is very nice to be able to just be the staff and relax with each other for a while before things really start getting busy. Now, most of the staff have arrived and are crammed into the base, and we will be getting underway in a matter of a couple hours. I'll let you know when I know what we are going to be doing. Until then!
onsdag, august 16, 2006
The end
Full Support is now offically over, and I will be heading back to Skien tomorrow. It has been a great and informative seminar. I really feel that I have come away with a lot of useful knowledge. I am confident that this year will be more financially sound. Aside from that, I have been enjoying being with some firends. Now, I have just spent some hours at Andreas´ place eating Grandiosa, watching CSI, and playing x-box. It was lovely. He beat me pretty bad, but that´s ok... it just shows that I am not an x-box nerd like he is... haha... I am looking forward to getting back to Skien to see what is in store for us. The DTS this year looks to be rather huge... already we have 32 that have taken their place, and we are waiting on 4 more to accept their place... that is a sick record if we get all 36... unbelievable... a real blessing! We don´t know how to fit them all, but we will figure it out. Most all of the staff will have to move out to make room... that is just how it is... That can be a good thing.. I am hoping and praying that God provides a good solution for us.
Anyway, this could get too long if I continue bantering, so I won´t.. I will leave it as is. Until next time!
Anyway, this could get too long if I continue bantering, so I won´t.. I will leave it as is. Until next time!
mandag, august 14, 2006
Full Support
Well, now the worker´s gathering is over, and we have begun a Full Support Seminar. Full Support is what YWAM Norway is now doing, where all staff in YWAM Norway must acheive a minimum monthly goal of about 4,000 Norwegian Crowns. That is approximately 700 US dollars. During this seminar, we are just learning support raising techniques and also learning how to understand our situation better. We are learning about which perspective we need to view our lives from. It is very inspiring and encouraging. I should get back to listening now because it is starting again.. so I will talk to you all later. Until then!
lørdag, august 12, 2006
Worker's Gathering Summer 2006
I am now right in the middle of the YWAM Norway staff conference in Hamar; a place north of Oslo. It is over tomorrow, and after that I will continue to be here for financial support seminar. Hopefully I will learn something... I guess we will see. After all the stuff here is over I will be heading back to Skien to get started working on the base. We have a lot to get fixed up before the students start coming in. I am not going to be working with the students directly this year because I am on this traveling evangelism team, but the base still basucally functions around the DTS schedule... I am looking forward to it though. There will probably be a record amount of DTS students this year. It could be around 35. That would be a nice record. Anyway, I guess I will be on my way now.. Talk to y'all later.
torsdag, august 10, 2006
The time has come...
Well, here we are. The first day of the Worker´s Gathering in Hamar... I am now getting ready to leave in about a half hour for Hamar. First, we are going to make a stop in Oslo for some hours, then we will be on to Hamar this afternoon. I am a bit tired right now, so I think I will be sleeping in the car.... =) The joys of not driving.... Anyway, that´s about how my day looks at this point. Until next time!
tirsdag, august 08, 2006
Soon og skikkelig soon...
yes, soon shall we be on our way to another YWAM Norway Worker´s Gathering. I leave early Thursday morning, and I don´t believe I will be back in Skien until the 16th or 17th or something like that... The past days I have just been hanging out at the base.. relaxing in the sun... getting much needed sleep before work starts up again... hanging out with a few friends... really nice... oh, and I got a great new devotional in the mail today, My Utmost for His Highest. It is one of the most sold books second to the Bible. It is an awesome devotional. I am really looking forward to getting into it. Anyway, I best be going now.. I have to pick up a new staff from Germany at the bus station in a little over an hour. Be blessed everyone!
torsdag, august 03, 2006
random thought for the day...
If it takes the light from the stars thousands of years to reach our sight, did Adam and Eve see stars? If the universe was made in six literal days, they wouldn't have seen them. If the universe was made in a figurative six days where a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day, then they may have. I guess we won't know until we go to Heaven. I thought that was an interesting thing to think about. What do you think? Any thoughts? These are the kinds of things I think about. Is it just me? Anyone else have similar thoughts? Let me know.
-Jordan K. Ernst
-Jordan K. Ernst
onsdag, august 02, 2006
yes... well...
I have renewed my visa today... trying to figure out something else to do... sitting on my computer is one option... If I had money, i could go to Oslo or someplace.. but I don't... so that is scratched... If I had creativity, I could figure out something to do in Skien... but I don't.... The weather is not so nice... overcast... so, no sunbathing, or waterbathing for that matter... I could go help old ladies across the street... but they would most likely be more confused and annoyed than anything... my room isn't so dirty, so I don't need to clean it... I don't have enough laundry to do a load of laundry yet... Skien is basically a really boring place to be when there are no people around... hmm... what to do... I've got it.. I can go watch a movie downstairs... that should pass some time at least... Talk to you later!
fredag, juli 28, 2006
Is it possible?!
I missed my plane this morning due to two alarms that were not able to wake up Hans and I....... Now, I have had to order a last minute ticket for tonight at ten o'clock which luckily only cost me 418kr/$67.. which was a blessing in the midst of an extremely annoying situation... Aside from all that, I am doing well today... a little bit tired due to lack of sleep... we were at the festival in Stavanger till almost 4 this morning.. very fun.... so yeah... Hans is at work trying to stay awake.. I am at Hans' place just cleaning up a bit... when he gets back we are hopefully going to get some pizza... we'll see... I am praying... =) But yeah... that is me for the time being... Hope you all are well! Me snakkast!
mandag, juli 24, 2006
yes, well... sorry...
sorry, I haven't posted anything in a short while... I am in the Stavanger area at present... I have been here for about a week now.. visiting some friends... it has been really nice to be down here.. I like this part of Norway. I fly to Oslo on friday, and will be going from there to Frederikstad for a friend's wedding.. after that, I will either go back to Skien or to Hamar... we will see.. haven't decided.... maybe not Skien.... I dunno... not sure... I will let y'all know when I find out... Until then...
onsdag, juli 12, 2006
Family camp in Hamar...
Yes, I made it to Hamar early Tuesday morning... didn't sleep much... Yesterday was the first day of the camp and it seemed to go rather well. I got to bed late, and now am just waiting for the morning gathering for the group leaders... jippi! haha... I think it should be a fun (tiring) week... i will keep you posted... Until then
mandag, juli 03, 2006
back in Skien
yes, that's right. I am back in Skien. This is my summer work week at the base, so I am in the office checking DTS Skien and DTS international e-mail, mailing mail that has to go out... listening to wonderful music... chatting with Birgitte while she is at work... it's ok.. not the worst thing I could be doing... The weather is nice.. Should be an ok week... Next week, I will be going some hours north to Hamar where I will be working at a family camp. I will be doing sound for some meetings and also leading a small group. That's basically it for me right now.. Hope you are all doing just super duper! Blessings!
tirsdag, juni 20, 2006
In Tønsberg..
Well, for the next two weeks I will be house-sitting for a friend of mine in Tønsberg. The family is going to California to visit family. I have a house to myself for two weeks! =) Party! haha.. no.. I will be good... of course... it is me we are talking about after all... NO COMMENTS!! =) For those of you who may be wondering, I will be sending out a newsletter here in the near future.. I just have to finish writing it, and get them all sent... so, just keep tight, and hold in there. It is coming. Blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Love you guys!
lørdag, juni 10, 2006
Last day of work...
Well, today ended the last day of work for me here at the base until August.. Now, I have the summer to relax and do the things that need to be done in the summer. For those of you who maybe do not know, I am not going to the States for the summer. I will be residing in Norway straight through. I will spend my time raising support and just relaxing... It has been a busy and fruitful year, so now it is high time for a little break. I will have a work week here at the base the first week of July, but aside from that I will not be working again until August. very nice... So, I hope all is well with you... Have a great summer!!
In Christ, Jordan
In Christ, Jordan
søndag, mai 28, 2006
ok... Done with REBOOT for a while...
Back from Denmark.... It was awesome. God is so good. This trip went really well. We saw people touched by God, and our team had a healthy time together for one last tour together. The DTS is finishing this week, and after that I will be on the base doing some practical clean up and some staff meetings and such. After all that is done, I will be off for the summer. I will be staying in Norway, as it is too expensive to fly back in the Summer, and will be spending time raising support and putting together a good support system for my ministry. I hope you all are doing well! Be blessed!
mandag, mai 22, 2006
Well, I have arrived safe and sound back in Norway, but don't let that make you think I am done working and able to relax... =) I am now actually leaving for Denmark for one week. I will be doing REBOOT again. We are sending REBOOT to Denmark to see people saved! I will be doing sound, as usual. I am looking forward to what God will do down there. As may seem natural, I am rather tired physically from being on outreach in Thailand for two months, but I am going despit that. =) I will be there until Sunday and then will be back in Norway for the last days of this DTS. Your prayers and support are greatly desired. Thanks for all you have already done! Be blessed!
-Jordan Ernst
-Jordan Ernst
mandag, mai 15, 2006
Koh Tao! Turtle Island!
Well, today we arrived on Koh Tao, which means Turtle Island. It is beautiful here, and I am definitely enjoying the sun. We will also be balancing debreifing and evaluation alongside our relaxing.We will be going back to Bangkok on the 19th and will sleep one night in YWAM Bangkok before we fly out on the 20th back to Norway. It will be lovely to arrive back home in Norway, but will be literally right off for Denmark the day after my return.... crazy... we will be going with Reboot to Denmark for a week.. Your prayers and support are greatly coveted! Thanks again! Be blessed!
-Jordan K. Ernst
-Jordan K. Ernst
onsdag, mai 10, 2006
Hello again from Pattaya!
I have now been here a little over two weeks. It has been really good, and we have seen many saved! We have had a bit of prison ministry, and practical work, and a lot of work with the prostitutes in this area. We have personally led several to Jesus, and just the other day one of the prostitutes gave her life to Christ in full surrender. Truly awesome! God is so good! Please continue to pray for us as we are finishing up this week, and then will be off to an island in the southern part of the Thailand gulf. After that, we will be off back to Norway. Thanks for all your prayers and support! Be blessed!
Also, if you feel like supporting ministry ministry financially, you can look to the right of this page and find contact information. Thanks! God bless!
Also, if you feel like supporting ministry ministry financially, you can look to the right of this page and find contact information. Thanks! God bless!
fredag, april 28, 2006
Well, we have now been in Pattaya for some days working with various things... The girls having been working a lot with the prostitutes and the guys have been working a lot with practical duties... i.e. painting the team houses exterior... really cool actually... some prison ministry where we hand out food and pray for the prisoners... prayer walks through the main part of the city... hanging out with youth in a local youth center focused on skaters.... going very well here... lots to do, and not a lot of time to cool down... it is so hot and humid here... my goodness... Sweat is involved with everything here.. even cooling down makes you sweat.... Pray for us!
-Jordan K. Ernst
-Jordan K. Ernst
torsdag, april 13, 2006
ok, back from the jungle...
I have been translating everything into English on our outreach blog, so just go to the link above and you can read about how we ar doing. Personally, I am doing quite well. God is good, and I am enjoying myself. Please feel free to read the outreach page for more info. Be blessed!!
lørdag, mars 25, 2006
That Jordan is so hot right now... Jordan..
yeah, it is warm... I am always sweating... it is crazy, but I like it... These days in Mae Sot have been really nice and enjoyable. The food here is amazing! I love it! On Monday, we are off to the jungle for two straight weeks, so the living conditions will be quite primative.... we will be working with the Karen people right near the Burmese border. I am really looking forward to it. It should prove to be a little challenging though.... we will be living on their staple food.. rice.... I might lose some weight... but that is ok.. I just weighed in at 88.6 kg today!! I hope that scale was wrong.. I am not fat, but that is heavy! haha... but yeah, we have awesome ministry opportunities here in Thailand, and I am looking forward to each of them. They may prove to be new and chellenging experiences, but I am ready to go for it... plus, I am the leader, so I kind of have to... =) Be blessed everyone!
torsdag, mars 23, 2006
I arrived!
Well, we have now arrived in Mae Sot,Thailand! Finally! It is so cool to be here! It is a beautiful country, and it is warm as well... that is a good thing.. I just wanted to let you guys know that I arrived.. I will be off to the jungle for two weeks on Monday, so I will try to post again after that. Until then, keep us in your prayers!! We will be working with buddhists and such in the jungle villages. Burmese refugees... God bless!
tirsdag, mars 21, 2006
Well, i am off for Thailand in 7 hours from now... but now I must sleep a little..... Blessings upon you all!
fredag, mars 10, 2006
Been a while....
Well, I have now for the past week or so been in Oregon enjoying family and friends. I have been very blessed and encouraged, and am now preparing frantically preparing for my two months in Thailand.. I leave on the 22nd of this month.. very soon... I know... I covet your prayers and support!!!!! Please, if you ever feel like you have a word for me or an encouragement or anything, please please please e-mail me!! jordan.ernst@gmail.com I will be going on a team week with my team this next Tuesday and then it is only one week to go when I get back... I have many things to do and lots of money to raise, so if you can help me by giving money and/or praying for me, that would be incredible! I need to raise about 3,000 dollars for this trip. Thank you all for caring! You have played a huge role in my ministry here. Blessings on you all! Until next time!
tirsdag, februar 21, 2006
From Pennsylvania to North Carolina and soon back again...
Well, sorry that I haven't posted until now... been a bit crazy with all the traveling. So far, we have had 3 shows in Pennsylvania that were quite successful. Many youth responded to the gospel and were inspired. Now, we are in North Carolina where we have only seen the same awesome results. Not only have there been youth saved, but youth have been inspired in their Christian lives and also inspired to do something more with their lives. It is truly God working through us here. Tomorrow, we will be leaving back to Pennsylvania for the remainder of our trip. On the 27th of this month, I will be on a plane to Oregon for one week. I hope you all are doing well. No matter how crappy things seem, God is still there.. That is something that I am realizing in my life right now. When I get down and really bummed, I have to come back to the truth that God has not left me and He is still just as much there for me as when I was feeling good. Be blessed!
onsdag, februar 08, 2006
Well, at the very moment I am on my way to JFK. I am sitting in the butt of the plane, and surfing the internet on my laptop. Yes, that is right. I am on the plane. Lufthansa now has wireless. It has a base fee, but it isn't too bad... It is very nice being able to still be connected while mid-flight. It helps with the boredom... =) I am really looking forward to see what God is going to do these next 3 weeks on Tour in the States. I am also looking forward to the week following, where I will be stopping home for a week. That should be nice. I am really enjoying what I do, even though it can be extremely hard and chellenging sometimes, it is sooooo worth it. God is good, and it is so good to know that I am doing what he has asked me to do. That is the best feeling. Being in God's plan is absolutely incredible. Now the screen is telling me we are flying right over Cork, Ireland... and we are at 10,972 meters... that is basically telling me that we have quite a few hours to go.... boring.... I love flying, but I hate it at the same time... I get soooo bored... and I can't sleep on planes... I am fairly tall, so space is a bit of an issue... but for some reason, I continue to do it... =) The ironies in life.... =) Random thought... Has anyone else ever wondered why there are ash trays on planes when smoking is always prohibited?? I mean, even on the new planes... they still put in ash trays, but they don't allow smoking... is there such thing as smoking flights? if there are, i have never heard of them... ok, I need to make one small correction... i discovered just now that there isn't actually an ash tray on this sit I am in... but there was on the last one I was on from Oslo to Frankfurt! Seems like a waste of material and logic to me... oh well... not my problem... just one of those things I guess... it will be so nice to be in the States for a short while because it is sooooooooooo much cheaper than Norway... I can't get over how expensive things are in Norway.... I lived there for a few years now, and still it amazes me... I mean, I just bought a bottle of water and a time magazine and calculated out that it was almost 10 US dollars!! That is insane! Oi..... I don't know how much a time magazine is in the States, but i am sure it is nothing like that... Well... the food is coming down the aisle now, so I am going to finish this up.. I am quite hungry. God Bless!
-Jordan (airborne)
-Jordan (airborne)
søndag, februar 05, 2006
Back from Estonia and Sweden! And still alive!
Well, I arrived back home this morning at 3.... That was a long two weeks of traveling and doing the show... But well worth it. Not only did we see people saved and take steps they have never done before, I also had huge breakthrougs! I feel like a new person! It is soooo cool how god works, and at the most opportune times! He is so good. I am still in a process, but it is going to prove to be the best. I am now getting all my things together to leave for the States in two days. I leave from here on Tuesday afternoon and fly out at 6:40 Wednesday morning. I will be in the Eastern United States for 3 weeks doing the same show I have been working on for the past wo weeks, then I will be off to Oregon for a friend's wedding. I will be in Oregon for only a week and then fly back to Norway only two weeks before I go to Thailand for two months... wow... I have exactly no time of recovering from any of these trips... haha... God is my strength... So yes, that is me for now.. I will write more later. Take care!
fredag, januar 20, 2006
snow, snow, and more snow...
Well, as of right now, there is probably over half a meter of snow outside.... it has been snowing constantly for the past couple days.... I love it when it snows like this... I have had to do a lot of snow shoveling though...Anyway, just thought I would let you know.... oh, and when I go to Estonia it will be around -2 farenheit... crazy cold.....
tirsdag, januar 17, 2006
Woot Woot!
Well, we are in the middle of a week of teaching on Spiritual Warefare with Wilkin Van De Kamp from the Netherlands. We always tend to notice a lot of spiritual attacks during these weeks on DTS... It is a subject that Satan reallllllllly does not want us to understand and work on. He starts wetting his pants whenever Christians start working in Spiritual Warefare. So of course he will do whatever he can to confuse us and make us distracted.... but he is a loser, and losers lose... as long as we are aware of him, and ask God for protection and keep our focus on Him, we will be fine! Amen! =)
On another note, Monday I will be heading to Sweden and Estonia for an evangelistic dance, singing, and preaching tour. I am the head sound technician for this little tour... It is a very outgoing evangelistic tool. We have already see hundreds saved in the last year and a half, and we are looking forward to even more in the future. It will be going full time next year, so that should be awesome.
So, that is me at the moment... Hope all is well with y'all!
On another note, Monday I will be heading to Sweden and Estonia for an evangelistic dance, singing, and preaching tour. I am the head sound technician for this little tour... It is a very outgoing evangelistic tool. We have already see hundreds saved in the last year and a half, and we are looking forward to even more in the future. It will be going full time next year, so that should be awesome.
So, that is me at the moment... Hope all is well with y'all!
torsdag, januar 05, 2006
Jostein and I in the TV Norge studio
In the elevator on the Radisson Hotel in Oslo
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