tirsdag, januar 17, 2006

Woot Woot!

Well, we are in the middle of a week of teaching on Spiritual Warefare with Wilkin Van De Kamp from the Netherlands. We always tend to notice a lot of spiritual attacks during these weeks on DTS... It is a subject that Satan reallllllllly does not want us to understand and work on. He starts wetting his pants whenever Christians start working in Spiritual Warefare. So of course he will do whatever he can to confuse us and make us distracted.... but he is a loser, and losers lose... as long as we are aware of him, and ask God for protection and keep our focus on Him, we will be fine! Amen! =)

On another note, Monday I will be heading to Sweden and Estonia for an evangelistic dance, singing, and preaching tour. I am the head sound technician for this little tour... It is a very outgoing evangelistic tool. We have already see hundreds saved in the last year and a half, and we are looking forward to even more in the future. It will be going full time next year, so that should be awesome.

So, that is me at the moment... Hope all is well with y'all!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hi Jordan - good to read your update. Look forward to seeing you when you are back in Salem for Travis' wedding. God bless.