tirsdag, november 14, 2006

This is not the post that I began originally...

I have now spent the past 20 minutes or so trying to write a really inspiring post, but it failed as I was not able to find the Bible verse that I wanted to use that made the point of the whole thing.... That was frustrating... So the result is now this... In my own words, we should not sit around and wait for God to tell us what to do. God is not in control of our lives...(that may have been controversial..) Do you agree? Do you know why He is not `in control`. Do you think God wants to be in control? I don´t. If He were, would he have bothered to give us free will? What is free will all about? Wouldn´t we be all better off if God just made us do the right thing all the time? Of course God knows what is best for us. Of course He knows which decisions we should make. Why doesn´t He? He gave us free will... Why? So we could be the completion of the most perfect relationship ever. He created us for relationship. THAT, is why He does not dictate our lives. It would not be a relationship if He made all of our decisions for us. We would be puppets. Is it possible to have a relationship with a puppet? Nope... afraid not... The puppet does whatever YOU tell it to do. God does not do the same with us. Puppets have no free will. They can´t decide. They cannot CHOOSE to love anyone or anything. WE, however, have been given the greatest and most dangerous gift of all. Free will. We can choose to love Christ. Therefore, God does not have control over us, nor does He want it. He wants our hearts. He has given us life. He has given us dreams and desires. Don´t wait around for Him to tell you what He wants you to use your life for. You probably already know. And if you are not sure, start going in a direction that seems promising. You cannot steer a ship that is not moving. The ship must be moving first, before you can choose the destination. In everything you do, do it with God. Include God in all that you do. It is as simple as that. Be blessed. God loves you becuase He loves you. That´s it. Enjoy it. Until next time, Jordan

1 kommentar:

Kristin, sa...

Thank you man! Thank you for sharing with us. Thank you for a great evening. You are great. I am inspired by you and what you says. Love, Kristin