This is a video from Saltstraumen; the strongest maelstrom in the world.
maelstrom |ˈmālˌsträm; -strəm| noun a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river. • figurative a scene or state of confused and violent movement or upheaval : the train station was a maelstrom of crowds | a maelstrom of violence and recrimination. ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from early modern Dutch (denoting a mythical whirlpool supposed to exist in the Arctic Ocean, west of Norway), from maalen ‘grind, whirl’ + stroom ‘stream.’
maelstrom |ˈmālˌsträm; -strəm| noun a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river. • figurative a scene or state of confused and violent movement or upheaval : the train station was a maelstrom of crowds | a maelstrom of violence and recrimination. ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from early modern Dutch (denoting a mythical whirlpool supposed to exist in the Arctic Ocean, west of Norway), from maalen ‘grind, whirl’ + stroom ‘stream.’

1 kommentar:
Fun with lots of new pic's! I like your haircut! I hope I'll see you before you leave. When is that again?? (yes I've become "dement"..) And if you're coming to NYC 26 July - 2 Aug, I can meet you there;)
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