Well, my team arrived back at the base in one piece from the north... we drove 27 hours straight through Sweden... Glad that trip is over now... I didn´t sleep almost at all.. now, we just have a few weeks left of work here and we are finished... I will be moving back to the States in the end of June and will be back in Oregon for a little while... my time here has been very fruitful, and I am very thankful for everything God has taught me and also for everything He has done through me. The DTS has arrived back safely from their various outreaches with many great stories and will be off again for a few days on different trips in Norway telling about their experiences in the students´home churches. On May 31st, they will all graduate. I would appreciate your continued prayer and support as I am not completely done with my ministry here. I still have some time to be used by God here, and I would like to be available to be used. May God bless and keep all of you. Be blessed!
-Jordan K. Ernst
onsdag, mai 23, 2007
torsdag, mai 17, 2007
Nordic Tundra...
onsdag, mai 09, 2007
Nordtun area... just south of Bodø...
This is a video from Saltstraumen; the strongest maelstrom in the world.
maelstrom |ˈmālˌsträm; -strəm| noun a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river. • figurative a scene or state of confused and violent movement or upheaval : the train station was a maelstrom of crowds | a maelstrom of violence and recrimination. ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from early modern Dutch (denoting a mythical whirlpool supposed to exist in the Arctic Ocean, west of Norway), from maalen ‘grind, whirl’ + stroom ‘stream.’
maelstrom |ˈmālˌsträm; -strəm| noun a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river. • figurative a scene or state of confused and violent movement or upheaval : the train station was a maelstrom of crowds | a maelstrom of violence and recrimination. ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from early modern Dutch (denoting a mythical whirlpool supposed to exist in the Arctic Ocean, west of Norway), from maalen ‘grind, whirl’ + stroom ‘stream.’

lørdag, mai 05, 2007
Arctic Circle and Bodø
fredag, mai 04, 2007
Crossed into North Norway...
It´s official; we have crossed into North Norway. We are now in a small place called Mosjøen with a population of 13, 000. We will have a show in the local Pentecostal church on Saturday night, and on Sunday we will continue north to Bodø. PLEASE keep us in your prayers.. the spiritual atmosphere is apparently very dark up north.. Thanks!

onsdag, mai 02, 2007
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