lørdag, mars 28, 2009
mandag, oktober 27, 2008
Jordan got a new job! Finally....
mandag, oktober 13, 2008
I am sitting in my Computer Information Sciences class right now bored out of my mind.... I am sure this class is helpful for someone, but I am finding it a weird combination of things to learn. Anywhere from basic stupid stuff, to stuff that is actually worthwhile learning... All in all, I guess it's not so bad.. but there are times like now that I fight sleep..
fredag, oktober 03, 2008
It is that time of year once again.. School has begun, and Fall is rapidly approaching... It has actually been rather refreshing. I went outside today, and the cool, moist, overcast day was quite enjoyable.. The scent in the air was heavenly... Overall these days; I am doing really well.. Still looking for a job, but life is good... stressful at times, but I have peace. so.. that is good... anyways... until next time...
mandag, september 08, 2008
As of late, I have been faced with some rather stressful circumstances... I have been challenged in areas that are not easy for me to overcome quite yet... I have taken on the challenges, and am confident I will come through.. but it is tough none the less... I know I will be a stronger more wise person in the end... I will be starting school again in about 3 weeks, and in the meantime will be looking for a new job... yes, my previous job has not been good to me to say it like that... I learned many things from that situation, however... but anyway... I am doing pretty well all things considered.. I am just in one of those times where I am trying to figure out what I am doing.. I know I am going to school and volunteering at church and being there for family and friends and all of that, but I am starting to feel stagnant... I am not sure if that is the best word to be using.. but that is kind of how I am feeling... I got so used to being in YWAM and going from adventure to adventure... it has definitely been a challenge this past year just being in one place.. away from all you guys across the globe... I miss you and love you all soooo much... I realize it regularly when my mind travels back to all those good memories... I know that I have not seen the last of my time in Norway... it is definitely on the horizon for me in the not so distant future.. I cannot say for sure how long, but withing the next couple of years I think... I will at least be visiting periodically before then, but will hopefully be coming in a more long term capacity within a relatively short while..
I just talked with my good friend Lyndee on the phone a couple hours ago and got caught up on things.. she is trying to adjust from just moving back home from Norway after being there a long period of time... I can totally relate to how she is feeling... it is a hard thing to leave somewhere after being there so long...
I don't have any really recent pictures to share with you all, but here are a few from my trip to California with the families... it was quite the trip... lots of fun and adventure... and danger.... =)

I just talked with my good friend Lyndee on the phone a couple hours ago and got caught up on things.. she is trying to adjust from just moving back home from Norway after being there a long period of time... I can totally relate to how she is feeling... it is a hard thing to leave somewhere after being there so long...
I don't have any really recent pictures to share with you all, but here are a few from my trip to California with the families... it was quite the trip... lots of fun and adventure... and danger.... =)
søndag, juni 29, 2008
Driving south...

From Norway, to Denmark, to Germany, and finally Switzerland.. We started our journey in Norway where we jumped on a large ferry that took us to the north of Denmark. From there, we drove south 7 hours until we arrived in Hannover, Germany. Our friend Julia put us up for the night, and the next day we continued on to a small place outside of Heidelberg. There, we stayed with my friend Christina. the next morning, we made our way to Stuttgart, which is a little over an hour away, to stay with Kenneth's friend from DTS, Moritz. That is where I am writing from. From here, we will head to Lausanne, Switzerland to meet up with another friend of Kenneth's from DTS and will then drop off my mom at her new home in Essertines-Sur-Rolle, Switzerland. It has been a really fun trop so far. I have been the only driver, so I find myself a little tired when we come to the places we are visiting, but it is worth it. Driving 210 Km/h (125 mph) legally on the Autobahn in our 2007 Volvo V50 stationwagon is quite a thrill... that is the way it should be.... Amazing how quickly you get to your destinations... haha.. anyway... until next time!
tirsdag, juni 17, 2008
Good to be back...

It is an amazing feeling to be back in my second home. I have been here a few days now and it is so nice that I don't have the need to go see anything.. I just get to relax and visit friends and "family". Being here again reminds me that part of my life will always be here. It is part of me. I won't ever forget it. When looking back on my life, and seeing how different events shaped my life, I admit that a large part of that shaping was done here. To forget that, is to forget where you come from. I have two homes.
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