As of late, I have been faced with some rather stressful circumstances... I have been challenged in areas that are not easy for me to overcome quite yet... I have taken on the challenges, and am confident I will come through.. but it is tough none the less... I know I will be a stronger more wise person in the end... I will be starting school again in about 3 weeks, and in the meantime will be looking for a new job... yes, my previous job has not been good to me to say it like that... I learned many things from that situation, however... but anyway... I am doing pretty well all things considered.. I am just in one of those times where I am trying to figure out what I am doing.. I know I am going to school and volunteering at church and being there for family and friends and all of that, but I am starting to feel stagnant... I am not sure if that is the best word to be using.. but that is kind of how I am feeling... I got so used to being in YWAM and going from adventure to adventure... it has definitely been a challenge this past year just being in one place.. away from all you guys across the globe... I miss you and love you all soooo much... I realize it regularly when my mind travels back to all those good memories... I know that I have not seen the last of my time in Norway... it is definitely on the horizon for me in the not so distant future.. I cannot say for sure how long, but withing the next couple of years I think... I will at least be visiting periodically before then, but will hopefully be coming in a more long term capacity within a relatively short while..
I just talked with my good friend Lyndee on the phone a couple hours ago and got caught up on things.. she is trying to adjust from just moving back home from Norway after being there a long period of time... I can totally relate to how she is feeling... it is a hard thing to leave somewhere after being there so long...
I don't have any really recent pictures to share with you all, but here are a few from my trip to California with the families... it was quite the trip... lots of fun and adventure... and danger.... =)

2 kommentarer:
i'm here for you friend! We miss you too. And i will pray that God will lead and provide for you.
Hold your head up high gordon...
HUG from me
Just wanted to say hi! Hope you're doing well.
- janelle-
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