From Norway, to Denmark, to Germany, and finally Switzerland.. We started our journey in Norway where we jumped on a large ferry that took us to the north of Denmark. From there, we drove south 7 hours until we arrived in Hannover, Germany. Our friend Julia put us up for the night, and the next day we continued on to a small place outside of Heidelberg. There, we stayed with my friend Christina. the next morning, we made our way to Stuttgart, which is a little over an hour away, to stay with Kenneth's friend from DTS, Moritz. That is where I am writing from. From here, we will head to Lausanne, Switzerland to meet up with another friend of Kenneth's from DTS and will then drop off my mom at her new home in Essertines-Sur-Rolle, Switzerland. It has been a really fun trop so far. I have been the only driver, so I find myself a little tired when we come to the places we are visiting, but it is worth it. Driving 210 Km/h (125 mph) legally on the Autobahn in our 2007 Volvo V50 stationwagon is quite a thrill... that is the way it should be.... Amazing how quickly you get to your destinations... haha.. anyway... until next time!