fredag, oktober 20, 2006

Back from Poland!

Well, as of 7:30 Wednesday morning, REBOOT returned to base from some time in Poland! It was an inspirational trip, and we saw God do many great things. One cool thing I will mention is a story of a 50+ year old Chinese woman that was invited to our show by a friend of her´s. The special thing is; she was a back-slidden Christian of 13 years. Our show was the first Christian environment she had come in contact with in these 13 years, and by God´s grace did she recommit her life to Jesus! It was awesome! Our show is geared towards youth from the ages of 12-18!! God can use anything. That was just one example of what God did in Poland. It was a great time for the team to get to know each other better, and see what life on the road is really like when travelling as a part of REBOOT. Please keep us in your prayers. God bless!

torsdag, oktober 05, 2006

Leaving soon for Poland!

In a matter of 5 hours, we will be driving off to Poland. Arne and I have just finished packing the car and trailer with the equipment, and now we are going to go pack the luggage, and then sleep a little before leaving.. we will be driving through Sweden where we will catch a ferry in the south that will take us to Poland. Pray for us!