mandag, februar 25, 2008

Shadows and dust...

The latest in my life is that of my grandmother passing on this morning. She went to be with Jesus at 6 this am. There is, however, comfort in the fact that she is in a better place.

Other than that, there is not a whole lot to say. I am doing really well actually. Aside from the loss of my grandmother, I am really enjoying life. School is going well, and it is good to be in this place for the time being. I am really excited for what is to come in the next year/s.

2 kommentarer:

Mamma'n til Elisabeth sa...

Hei Jordan.
You are welcome to stay with us some days in June. We do not know what we are doing at that time but we make it work out in some way.
We miss Elisabeth, she's in New Zealand now, but havung a greart time.

Love from me.

Anders sa...

Hey duude, it's nice to see your blog again! :D
Some weeks ago we were together, everyone on the Ecuador team, except you & Stian, remembering those times in Ecuador!
It's good to hear you're doing well, and that your grandmother is safe with Jesus :)
Take care, man!